But why do Jehovah’s Witnesses continue as a religion that people will join?
Coca-Cola sells 2.5 billion cans of soda each year......people still buy this surgery drink that is bad for the human body.
Britney Spears has sold over 100 million records in her career....to me she has no talent but to some teenagers she gives the Beatles a run for their money.
In 2017, there were 120,053 Kingdom Halls in the world with 8,457,107 members who call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses.Started in the 1870's with very few members it has grown to over 8 million.
Why does the religion continue?
It's the first and only religion they have only looked into
Most members born into the religion...most children will follow their parents religion
Clean cut members who wear suits and dresses....how they look make them appear more honest
Supposedly Bible- based....they carry the Bible and the religion is reading material based
It draws people who love prophecies and makes them different than other religion
Loss of health, job, death in family....life in a paradise earth sounds good when you are down and out
Faithful and Discreet Slave...they are the mouthpiece for God. If I follow their direction I will live in the new paradise earth
Laziness...people like to follow someone/something because they are too lazy to do their own research