I hear that all WT payroll personal in the UK are now in full lockdown/sheilding mode until November.
UK Bethel COs New Lock Down
by Slidin Fast 11 Replies latest jw friends
All US Bethelites have been in full can't-leave-the-compound lockdown since March.
Props for the phrase "WT payroll personnel"
Released in time for the special campaign in November to publicize god kingdom, special watchtower.
Limited time is left before god's kingdom crushes all authority in opposition to it .
So November is when the UN "destroys" all religions?
Gotta mark my calendar.
So November is when the UN "destroys" all religions?
@sir82 ...
The UN will take down their websites. JW's will be under attack during the Zoom meetings.
November is the month when JWs get reminded in the magazines of all the wonderful ways they can support the org financially.
I proud to say that in my 23 years as a JW, they got less than $120.00 out of me, and will never see another dime. F this cult.
I got my dental repaired on the society’s expenses, two denture bridges, while in special fulltime service. thanks friends for your contributions.
Anders Andersen
@fulano, you entirely deserved them with all the free slave labour you did for Watchtower.
And what happened? Someone knocked your teeth in field service? Or an elder meeting? ;-)
Lockdown of all religions, and the attack of Trump-of-Magog