The Power Of Unconditional Love

by 1234 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • 1234

    The most powerful love in the universe is unconditional love.

    A love that has no requirements or conditions. No actions are necessary to receive it.

    This love is all around us and can be easily seen. Watch any mother with its new born baby. What are the baby's requirements in order to receive it this amazing gift? None.

    A woman has the the ability to give this kind of love to a child yet god can't? Are we not all god's children?

    If god can be as powerful as any woman and give us this kind of pure and perfect kind of love, which I believe he does, than were did all these conditions come from?

    It could only come from one The Bible says "That god created man in his image." Yet the opposite is true. "Man has created god in his image."

    It is man who is jealous and hateful and even requiring child sacrifices with war and shunning. So man has now created a god in his image that demands the same thing.

    However is this really the nature of God? Or is it man's version of god?

    Though the Witnesses preach about Jehovah...the god of love, he is anything but.

    They have no problem believing their god will soon destroy billions of people, all to prove a point about "universal sovereignty?" Parents willing to turn their back on their children, in essence sacrificing them for their god's ideals.

    This sounds more like something an immature adolescent teenager might do, instead of an all powerful spirit being.

    So which God are you worshiping? The pissed off teenager or the woman with her child.

    My vote is for unconditional love and that is why I left the Jehovah's Witnesses and their god of hate, nineteen years ago this week.

    Namaste my friends

    Keith Casarona

  • mickbobcat

    I don't see your argument. I don't see that there is any proof of a god existing. In fact by your argument if a god existed they would not let the suffering go on with the world that has went on since it began. Death birth and more death cycling billions of times. It makes no sense to believe in a god to my mind.

  • 1234

    Well maybe you should read my first book "Your Crazy Life" all the answers about life and death....are there.

    P.S I believe we are all gods.

  • Vanderhoven7

    <<I believe we are all gods>>

    Now, I'm sure I heard that somewhere before.

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    This sounds more like something an immature adolescent teenager might do, instead of an all powerful spirit being.

    Well said

    If we are all gods than what is a fleshly mortal ?

    If this is to be, what are all the others animals on earth ?

  • Phizzy

    Leaving the god question aside, as I am an Atheist I am not interested in talking about something that does not exist, but I believe that if what some call Love is "conditional", it is not really Love at all.

    Jesus taught a Love that had no conditions, no ifs or buts. He did not say "Love your neighbour, but not if they are not a JW" did he ? The whole point of the Parable of the Good Samaritan was that you should show unconditional love to all, regardless of what or who they are, and within that "all" Jesus included Apostates.

    I know JW's will point to various Scriptures written by Paul to justify their hateful treatment of those who have left the JW religion, but Paul was not aware of the actual Teaching of Jesus as outlined in the Gospels, they had not been written by the time he died. Apart form that of course, actually analyse the Scriptures JW's use and they are taking them out of context quite blatantly to apply them in the way they do.

    They do not practice the way of true Love.

  • LV101
    Now this use to be fact in psychology and you're WRONG re/human mothers and no way it's changed. Love for the newborn is NOT an automatic instinct for ALL mothers as for many animals. It's hard to imagine, I know. Ask the experts who work in the field of child abuse or spend few days in the arena working with abused children - infants on. Hard to recover from the evidence.
  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    if what some call Love is "conditional", it is not really Love at all

    I find this concept rather confusing. Parental love is probably the closest you can get to unconditional love, but should it be truly unconditional? If my son turned out to be a murdering pedophile, should my love continue to protect him? If he turned into another Hitler, Stalin or Pol Pot, should I still love him? Could I even? I don’t think I could. It seems to me that love is always conditional. Conditional on the object of our love remaining a decent human being.

  • 1234

    OK guys time to "Zoom up"

    "If we are all gods than what is a fleshly mortal ?"

    We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. And yes even animals have spirit in them too.

    "Love for the newborn is NOT an automatic instinct for ALL mothers as for many animals."

    Of course this true. However for the vast majority of the population it is not true. Yes there is an occasional woman that puts her baby in the dumpster. Just like not all teenagers are stupid and hateful...remember this was an analogy guys.

    And last but not least. Yes unconditional love, is unconditional!

    Meaning if my child walked into a school yard with a AK 47 and killed 27 children, I would still love him. Do I want to "hang out" with him... no. He is going to prison and I hope there he would see the error of his ways. My love (like god's love) would not go away for him. It is impossible to do something so bad that god's love would be with held from you. I know this is a tough one for most people to wrap their heads around. However it makes the most sense. Read Neale Walsh "Conversations with God" to find out the true nature of god's love.

    Man has created "conditional" love not god and why? Because he can't zoom up and see the bigger picture. What is the the bigger picture? Albert Einstein said it. "Reality is an illusion." What does that mean? It means that this life is not real. It is no more real than a movie made in Hollywood.

    And that is the real reason why "Jesus wept." He looked around and saw how stuck people were/are in their 3-D world. The world of illusion.

    So the only real Hell is believing that your story (your illusion) is real.

    Just because the Jehovah's Witnesses didn't have the answers, It doesn't mean they are not out there.

  • Phizzy

    " Conditional on the object of our love remaining a decent human being." Real Love does not suddenly flee because the person turns out to be a disappointment, or even a right bastard.

    Yes, we may decide to have nothing to do with a toxic person, a criminal etc, but that does not eradicate the love, or it was not real, unconditional love. We impose conditions upon contact or whatever, but the love, if real is still there. Just as the love for a person who has died is still there, even though the person is not.

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