At this point, I think we have a good idea of everyone's opinion of Islam. For the love of God, can we move on to something else!
Who else is tired of attacking/defending Islam?
by Spoletta 30 Replies latest social current
Yeah, important stuff like how does Trump maintain that healthy orange glow!
The discussion will end soon, then there will be another attack, then the cycle will start over again
Who else is tired of attacking/defending the Watchtower religion?
At this point, I think we have a good idea of everyone's opinion of the Watchtower religion. For the love of God, can we move on to something else!
Er, not really, no.
Fisherman & Richard Oliver have the freedom of speech to defend Watchtower; me & many others can freely question WT doctrine and actions.
Furthermore, it's also fine for me to ridicule WT leaders, belief, and bible characters like Jehovah and Moses.
See what I did there?
never a jw
I am not tired yet. In fact, I haven't even started. -
that's almost like saying that your tired of debating about climate change, so you'll move on to other things.
There is a need to debate these things, because it's by calling these things out that causes minds to change over time.
There are subjects in life that are important. I get what you're saying though. For myself, I see posts that don't interest me, hey, even annoy me..... so I just ignore them.
I can list the things that I don't bother reading...or will just give a tacit glance.
It would be really nice if we could actually sort the worlds problems out, on forums like this, but I don't suppose we have the ultimate power to bring world peace even if the kingdom lies within.
On forums like this, people often feel the need to vent their spleen when they see injustice. Sometimes it may seem like a 'phobia' of some sort but most people are decent enough. Most people will accord peace to those of any religion as long as they are peaceful in their beliefs.
My late father was told by a Muslim cleric, that if the Mullahs said it was time to slaughter the non believers here in the UK that his people would be out in the streets with their knives slaughtering people like my Dad. It's that kind of speech that messes it up for those that wouldn't dream of such a thing. Sadly, 1 bad apple.............
But take heart Spol, Most of us wouldn't single out a specific religion or community, we'd rather single out the bad ones there-in. (Well, I wouldn't).
But you've got that off your chest now, so perhaps you can move on from it.
My advice? See a post that annoys and leave it be.
Im sick of that as well as the anti-Trump bullshit people keep spewing every time he blinks his eyes.
I can understand and even respect other people's points of view but I've gotten to the point to where I finally just completely cut some liberal Democrats out of my life permanently and as a laidback, pot-legalizing advocate homosexual that is saying a lot regarding their pig-headed intolerance - I will only tolerate bullshit so much and then finally I'm done.
I can understand and even respect other people's points of view but I've gotten to the point to where I finally just completely cut some liberal Democrats out of my life permanently and as a laidback, pot-legalizing advocate homosexual that is saying a lot regarding their pig-headed intolerance - I will only tolerate bullshit so much and then finally I'm done.
I am with you on that one, as a college educated, atheist and classical liberal that imbibes in the devil's lettuce as well. I won't shun the outraged democrats, but I have tuned them out because the left has gone bonkers.
I just want to smoke pot and carry my 9mm at my gay friends wedding. lol