Also, I am just assuming that poor Holy is the bastard part of the trinity. He gets no respect.
Do You Think The Bible Teaches A Trinity As Religions Teach?
by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends
Marriage in the Bible describes making two as one. Both are still separate people, but together are the parts of one marriage. In my mind this seems to help with the Trinity concept.
A marriage is a team of two independent persons.
This is anathema to the trinity. Technically it is a heresy called tritheism.
All attempts to illustrate the trinity reveal that nobody even begins to understand it — which is the whole point. It is self-contradictory gibberish.
A marriage is a team of two independent persons.
I get what you are saying about this being heresy. But the persons in a marriage are both independent and interdependent. As the triud is both independent and interdependent.
However, I agree it is difficult. It is a mystery.
As the triud is both independent and interdependent
That is not the christian trinity.
It is a mystery in the same sense that a four-sided triangle is a mystery. The Emperor is butt-naked.
Anony Mous
A trinity is a repeat story pattern/trope in various historical texts. The “father” or “authoritarian”, the “son” or “redeemer” and the “mother” or “spirit” figure. You can interpret the Bible as having one or not having one, it’s in some cases (2 Corinthians, Matthew, Isaiah etc) explicit, and in other texts not so explicit.
The main thing to consider is these stories were written with an audience in mind. So the “Jews” would not necessarily accept an outright declaration of a trinity because it doesn’t fit with their belief system, the “Greeks” however were more used to multiple deities, the “Romans” and Babylonians were familiar with an outright trinity. So you see that reflected in the stories and texts in the Bible as well