I can't even begin to tell the full extent of someone joining the cult later in life. From being an inquisitive being into being a closed minded (sometimes) arrogant judgmental ass. None of you, who have knocked on doors and planted the seed will ever know the full fear of wife, children & extended family who actually can see the glazed look on a new cult members face and eyes. Yes, they actually change. You may not realize it because this is so normal to you. You will not see how a new cult member begins to treat his loved ones, because these changes are expected and only prove how dedicated the new member will become.
This is from a non jw never will be and no family members at all in the cult.
If you are still knocking on doors I want you to think about that damage you are creating in a family that will last years and years, into the next generations. You are not just getting your time in, you are affecting generations of a family's dynamics.
It isn't just 'born in's' that this cult affects so negatively. The advancement of an adult in his/her development can also be significantly affected.
In 'normal' life, one is expected to grow and learn and hopefully to become wise in old age, the jw cult stifles any such growth in any age. Let's face it, jw's do not promote 'normal' growth be it physical (no sports, do only jw activities), mental growth (read only jw publications) or spiritual growth (never read any other religious or spiritual avenues, ever). To even question is tantamount to apostasy.
I would rather have question I can't answer than answers I can't question.