Elder's daughter is after me

by theBaus 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • millie210

    Her behavior?

    Its called controlling through weakness.

    Consider yourself warned.

  • theBaus

    What do y mean by "controlling through weakness"?

    I don't see her like a potential mate but i do care for her alot.

    She is like a sensitive little porcelain doll that will be shattered if breaks. I'll not allow this.

    I have this alpha male mentality maybe that's the reason why her dad is afraid of me?

    He fears that he will lose control.

  • Vanderhoven7

    <<She's not capable for mature conversation.>>

    Sounds like marriage material to me. ;^]

  • theBaus

    Sounds like marriage material to me.

    Yeah, she will just blink with her pretty eyes and smile, maaaaaaaaaan this is tough.

    Her self-esteem is so low it hurts, that's the reason why I can't get involved with her in a serious conversation regardless of the subject. Once I complimented her accidentally and there she was flying on a 7-th heaven, lol this creatures are so hungry for love.
  • Listener
    Given that your like Kevin Kostner, it would be natural that she would be over the moon when you flatter her. I can't understand why there aren't a whole flock of females drooling over you.
  • wannaexit

    She acts childish, insensitive and insecure,

    How old is this chick?

  • theBaus

    Over 18 less then 20.

    She's not a chick she's a young lady, correct your vocabular my friend.

    lol I imagine her dad waving with a prints of this thread in front of my face,

    -What do y want from my daughter, what do y want y young punk? XD

  • Crazyguy
    Run don't walk run away from insecure girls they will suck the life out of you and give nothing back!
  • talesin

    A lot of JW girls play with boys' feelings. It's the only power they have. Much of the time, they don't even realize they are doing it.

    Reality is not always 'nice'.

  • theBaus

    Run don't walk run away from insecure girls they will suck the life out of you and give nothing back!

    Y 're right, but I can bring her back.

    Remember one thing she's my protege & I'll not abandon her.

    That's my duty. XD

    A lot of JW girls play with boys' feelings. It's the only power they have. Much of the time, they don't even realize they are doing it.

    Y can't blame them they are neglected hence immature.

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