Either pathway of Biden or Hillary leads to a defeat. There are so many talented and smart people in this country. Almost every other candidate was a better choice, Pete, yang, klobachar, etc etc, all better.
As Biden Struggles, Hillary Waits For The call
by Bangalore 23 Replies latest social current
Not so sure - might be your opinion but many Republicans and those who only wanted the best candidate for the nation were thrilled 'hearing' Trump was running long before he made his candidacy public. He offered hope from all the crazy that's been going on.
I laugh when I hear Trump is hard around the edges - he's beyond gracious, patient, kind, understanding, toward the mob left who has committed crimes against not only he and his family but the US citizens who voted him into office. Obama - a class act thug involved in deep corruption against the country! How many multi millions has Obama cost the American taxpayer from his education to free lifestyle. Trump has dealt with every issue imaginable and is not a deep state mobster like those on the left.
I remember Trump was paying over $9 to win on Sportsbet, Hilary backed in firm at around $1.14 the night before elections, those odds speak volumes about who was supposed to win.
I won’t be surprised if Trump gets another term and if he’s paying $9, I’ll gladly put a few hundred $ where my mouth is
Anony Mous
The interesting things about the world today is that as we get more and more reports of lawlessness and brutality against police, the left wing media isn't covering ANY of it.
CHAZ had 5 shootings, failed and got broken up. No coverage. Atlanta cops stopped responding in protest, no coverage. There is unrest continuously and the media is saying that everyone is lying about it, mayors are in on it, governors are in on it.
So yes, the poll numbers look good, but at some point this is going to start hitting people. I'm not sure why anyone would blindly believe what CNN has to say, it's like the Watchtower of the left. But once people are shooting in your own backyard, then people will hopefully wake up from the leftist cult.
I think we still have to see the backlash of these events reflected in the polls. When he picks Kamala and when the left demands them to support defunding the police, his poll numbers will crater. Unless people have gotten so scared to say out loud, even to pollsters that they don't support the left, which I kind of would start believing, if you take the call at work and you say you support Republicans, you could be fired.
I remember they said this in 2016, up until election night.
But keep in mind that was before the nation has experienced Trump as a acting President.
If these recent polls are correct, you should see the Democrats win in November, (Presidency, Congress and the Senate) and not particularly by a huge landslide.
Room 215
Anony: "Brutality against police?!" What multiverse are you living in?
Anony Mous
@Room215: I'm living in this reality, what reality are you living in:
You can literally find more examples of brutality against police in the last decade than the other way around. Rayshard Brooks, Michael Brown - brutality against police led to their deaths. -
Buffoon CNN and other state news affiliates don't report REAL news or do any ethical journalism so their loon followers remain oblivious. Blacks knock off hundreds of police every, SINGLE, YEAR! Sad to say, it's their favorite sporting event - they've shot several since the love children's "protests" began and beat up many white, innocent, people, who pay taxes to feed them all structured by the LEFT --- who want the blacks as recipients of hand outs for control/auto votes. I don't think police are perfect - some bad ones like every other segment of society. It's a horror story and has grown worse since thug Obama was in office.
Anon - darn missed your post right above! So sad the way they kill police men.