KURD is the word - the word is KURD
Who the heck are they?
Once upon a time, World War One ended and three people created a new place out of thin air called: IRAQ.
(Gertrude Bell, Lawrence of Arabia, Winston Churchill).
This new country was divided up into 3 chunks:
Solemn promises made by Colonel T.E. Lawrence to Arab allies were broken by politicians (Sykes-Picot Treaty). Arab promises were valuable only until the War was won.
Whenever a war is Won or Lost, the victors divide the assets of the losers.
Victor allies tear at it with fang and claw until every mouth drips with spoils.
Promises, Treaties? Carrot and stick. Don’t count yer chickens, buddy.
FEW in the U.K. or America cared much about Kurds until 1918 when OIL was discovered with Kurds living on top of it!
Kurds were made promises of their own homeland. Again and again.
Carrot and stick. Quid pro Quo.
(**Spoiler alert**: Kurds have no homeland even today.)
Oh, and the American “Indian” lives on parcels of set-aside reservations, owed billions and getting only gambling casinos to run.
Keep that in mind. We "care" according to how useful any group proves to be.
KURD is the word - the word is KURD
What the heck is a Kurd?
(one who lives in a tent) i.e. wanderer, nomad…
Sort of like the way we think of indigenous Native Americans on the Frontier.
(In fact, solemn government treaties with Native Americans parallel the Kurds.)
Just sayin...
“Historically”, Noah’s Ark came to rest in the mountains where Kurds would end up dwelling in tents (i.e. being KURDS).
They have their own language (Kurdish : duh) spoken by about 5 million people.
(Indigenous Native Americans had their own ethnicity and languages as well.)
HOW TO FACTOR the importance of KURDS
1.5 Billion people are Muslim on planet earth.
About 35 million Kurds live on planet earth.
97% of Kurds are Muslim.
(NOTE: Islam is split into disagreeable sects: SUNNI = 90% and SHIA = 10%)
Kurds are 75% SUNNI. They are 100% hated by SHIA.
(Kurds make up about 10% of the population in Syria, 19% of the population of Turkey, 15-20% of the population of Iraq and are the second largest ethnicity in Iran.)
So what?
They are the LEAST powerful no matter where they exist.
They do not blend easily. Their chief predictable nature is: UPRISINGS!
Dizzy yet?
Throughout their long history, on many occasions, Kurds engaged in uprisings against local ruling authorities.
Why did Israel not “fit in” with their local no-Jewish authorities?
They think of themselves as “special.”
Kurds are like that: insular, demanding, unsettled, a sense of entitlement you could say arguably.
In the 1980’s IRAQ and IRAN fought a no-holds-barred war in which over one hundred thousand Kurds were killed.
Still, in 1991, more Kurd uprisings continued. (Nope, they never learn.)
The partial success of Kurd uprisings figured into President Bush’s wildly optimistic Plans to Democratize the Middle East by sending shock and awe forces into Iraq.
Note: Saddam Hussein was a secular tyrant with no interest in Muslim squabbles.
His overpowering domination, in fact, kept the constant squabbling and back-stabbing of Sunni vs Shiites cooled down.
Remove Saddam and you remove the ONLY stability the Middle East had going.
Kurds welcomed American soldiers invasion forces.
Then...it all went to hell.
Saddam was secular. Americans, on the other hand, are INFIDELS!!
Were you alive while this was all happening?
Did you pay any attention? Do you understand?
Kurds welcomed the INFIDELS.
RELIGION (to the U.S. and Russia and Great Britain) is second to OIL in importance.
OIL is worth nothing if it cannot be exported and sold.
Competing pipelines for export need to go THROUGH Syria.
Russia is backing a pipeline waiting to go through Syria.
Arabs (willing to pay the U.S. to get Assad out of Syria) have a pipeline waiting for Syria.
C.I.A. pits one group against another group and backs ANY GROUP (even terrorist Wahhabi terrorists) arming them against Assad in Syria.
Remember Nine Eleven?
Oil can only be sold using DOLLARS (i.e. so-called “Petro-Dollars”.)
President Nixon removed our currency from gold standards.
It was replaced by OIL.
Russia has OIL. Arabia has OIL. Kurds have OIL.
The United States and Great Britain have oil interests being industrialized nations.
All OIL is sold and purchased with $$ Petro-dollars.
So? Where is the conflict, you ask?
OIL is worth nothing if it cannot be exported and sold.
Competing pipelines for export need to go THROUGH Syria.
Powerful nations with powerful interests like to CONTROL every aspect of OIL.
(Kurds are not powerful and have no nation.They are useful for propaganda.)
On top of all this are Religious hatred and Political propaganda stirring the pot.
Again and again the United States (through C.I.A. operatives) have manipulated the local conflicts between Middle Eastern governments, moving pieces around like a chessboard.
On any given week, enemies can suddenly become allies and the next week enemies again.
(Secret C.I.A. advisers with lots of gold and American technology (weapons) act as brokers.
The meddling of Great Britain, Russia, and the U.S. in politics (covertly) has enraged Muslims who are busy struggling with their own interests religiously.
What citizens of those countries read and hear about Middle East machinations consists mostly of propaganda, and manipulation efforts. I.e. outright lies.
Remember, until OIL was discovered in the Middle East -- nobody gave a crap.
Now we “care” about the plight of Kurds. We are “shocked” about civilians dying on the ground.
KURDS are our pawns.
They are precious one day and expendable the next.
We, the public, are triggered into caring by carefully scripted news bulletins of their plight.
Do Americans “care” about the Kurds? Yes.
Do they “care” about the Iraq Body Count of 183,348 - 205,908 violent civilian deaths through April 2019?
Um, uh ...not with as much demand as for more war in Syria.
KURD is the word and the word is: PROPAGANDA.