I have posted one other time on this website. Just for the mere fact that I wasn't anger and bitter and ready to declare the GB the sociopathic criminals that so many here ascribe to, my initial question digressed to bickering over ad hominem attacks against the GB and not my beliefs that I'm questioning. Some did give me some help on my questions. If you notice though, I get a lot of down votes. Mainly because I am just not bitter or angry against the WT. I pretty much do not believe in god. This gives me a peace of mind concerning the false things I have been taught since I was a boy. I sometimes wish that I wasn't raised a witness but I know that I learned a number of great lessons as one. And maybe witnesses are a cult by definition. But really, ALL religions are cults. Jesus was a cult leader. IMO, ex-jw's have become their own cult. You all have THE TRUTH.... about the truth. If anyone came on here and dissents then they are obliterated by the community. My first post simply asked that the acrimony be left out, I just wanted facts, and that was enough to set off a firestorm on my thread. My favorite is the people who post quotes like oneeyedjoe from Socrates The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Actually, Socrates never even said that.
I also have found one poster on here that I know. And reading their posts *gasp* they lie a lot! Now, I am not making a blanket statement that all ex-jws are liars. But I am pretty damn skeptical when I read stories that I'll never be able to corroborate. I am happy and at peace with my JW past. I am still attempting to find a general belief in god, but I doubt I'll come to that conclusion. But I have come to this one, I am not interested this ex-jw cult. Having people to get your back when you're down is a good thing but commiserating on end over pedantic dribble is a waste of time. I am going to use the extra time I have from not being a witness learning a language or maybe even just watching tv. Because I know this endless cycle of trying to preach to the choir is a waste of time.
Sorry if my post is offensive. I honestly just don't like it here