If you speak against the Governing Body you will be punished.

by punkofnice 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    This was a comment from the meeting(tm) on Sunday.

    The person that told me about it, is very confused about the validity of the corporation. Somewhere between a PIMO and a PIMI-lite.

    The thing that angered me was that this person has Cancer. (I won't give any more info), and is now worried that this is because they do not believe the GB(piss be upon them), represent anything Biblical.

    I have to be careful what I say due to the disease and it's effect.

    Doubly hard because I am a hard atheist.

    I just said that it was a comment to induce cult fear mongering. That if I were a parent as God is said to be, no way would I treat my children in that horrific way.

    Anyway. Rant over................but my blood is boiling at the sheer heartless cultiness of it all.

    Oh, and the Governing Body are pervert protecting filth and they're the ones that should be punished. Go on God, do your worst!

  • alanv

    Its really nothing new. Often the criteria in a judicial hearing are the questions 'Do you accept the governing body are the faithful and discreet slave that Jesus spoke about, and do you believe God is using them as his channel to dispense spiritual food' If the answer is no then you are out. Nothing else matters.

  • John_Carter_1912

    Play this for them and then ask them what they think... this is Christopher Hitchens who DIED of cancer


  • punkofnice

    alanv - Indeed. The GovBod(piss be upon them), have become god.

    Thanks John, I will do. It may be just the thing.

  • fastJehu

    Speaking against the GB = speaking against God

    Speaking against God = sickness and death

    This has been hammered into the heads of the sheep so often that they believe it.

    (Joshua 22:18) . . .If you rebel today against Jehovah, then tomorrow he will be indignant against the entire assembly of Israel.

  • punkofnice

    Fasty - The cognitive dissonance runs deep in these cult members.

    Image result for cognitive dissonance

  • no-zombie

    As an ex-Elder, I can tell you most definitely, that any discussion with an Elder about doctrine will ALWAYS spiral down to the returned question of .... do you believe that the Governing Body is God's chosen channel today? Which leaves a honest questioner in a bad place.

  • punkofnice

    no-zombie - That wasn't a thing when I was an elder but things do seem more fascistic with the corporation now.

  • LV101

    I could not reply to that stupid question re/governing goons without yelling obscenities.

  • punkofnice

    LV - I know. Who do they think they are. I mean, how do you even get from Bible to those pervert loving shills?

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