Need Help fleeing my country

by saorean 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @saorean - if you're genuinely fleeing persecution, then you can apply for asylum to the UK or to any other EU country.

    If you're an economic migrant, then I understand that. You're BSc degree and good English should stand you in good stead.

    All the best


  • saorean

    JimmyYoung and FadingAlbatross, I expected responses like yours, so I won't take it wrongly. Heck, even I would be apprehensive, so it's all love.

    I'm not disturbed because I know my motives are pure. Thanks all the same.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    getting a work visa to the UK is very difficult. you need to check which skills are needed by employers and look out for any sponsorhip offers. its mostly in the medical / healthcare sector.

  • saorean

    @LoveUniHateExams, first, can one be granted asylum on the grounds of religious persecution? Second, the bottle neck is that my plan is to leave and eventually leave the borg without my family knowing. So if I apply for asylum that would defeat the purpose.

    As an economic migrant what do I need to do? I know it's easier to come on work visas. I know that I stand a better chance if someone helps me secure the job abroad. Then I can take care of the rest logistics from my end.

    Information and practical help that's all I ask. I'm not asking for a dime from anyone. I'm restating for emphasis "I'm footing my own bills, I believe I have sufficient savings to cover this."


  • saorean

    @stan livedeath are there any particular websites you could recommend where I can check for skills needed and apply?

  • stan livedeath
  • LoveUniHateExams

    first, can one be granted asylum on the grounds of religious persecution? - this depends.

    If you're claiming religious persecution from Jehovah's Witnesses, then I doubt it, although you may as well give it a try - I might do so if I were in your situation.

    my plan is to leave and eventually leave the borg without my family knowing. So if I apply for asylum that would defeat the purpose - ok, then perhaps the best thing would be to apply for a job in the UK or other English-speaking country (or in another country such as France or Germany if you speak good French or German).

    As an economic migrant what do I need to do? - I don't know. I'm not good on those kind of details. I'm a bit of an academic myself but I don't know shit, really. Sorry, buddy, you'll have to ask someone else. XD

    What BSc do you have? What experience do you have?

    If you have a first class or upper 2:1, have you thought about doing a PhD overseas, e.g. in the UK?

    With UK-born PhD students, you get funding that covers all your living expenses, etc. I'm not sure if that's the same for foreign-born PhD students so you'll have to look into that yourself.

  • saorean

    Stan livedeath : thanks for the link. Checking it out...

    LoveUniHateExams: thanks for the input. Appreciated!

  • Giordano

    1. Fortunately for me, I have a Bachelor's of Science Degree. I will pay for the VISA process and flight ticket. I have my own savings to live on, so I won't be a burden.
    1. Suggest you seek a job in the vast international Bachelor of Science field first....and in a country that wants or needs your education. When there is a need for a guy like you it makes it easier to move and live in that country.

    2. As you know there are many first world corporations who do business world wide.......... meaning do a good job for them and you might be invited into the country you really want to live in..
    3. This is the same for International Charities who always need educated people especially those who can teach. Your JW background gives you a step up working in an international Charity because you are experienced in talking to and relating to a wide variety of people.
    4. Getting a job in another country first makes it easier to relocate.
    5. Invest in a plane ticket to visit the country and company that may be interested in you. Skype is a good and expense free way to get the first interview.
    6. You have probably already researched the following but I always remind myself that there are thousands of Ex or current JW's reading this exchange. Who might find the information interesting.
    7. Here's a list of the top easiest countries to immigrate to.
    9. And that the city-state of Singapore is officially the best country in the world to live and work in as an expat—for the fourth year in a row.
    1. Leaving the family religion? Concentrate on finding the job first. Get the job and that's your explanation. There are JW's everywhere in the world. So family and friends will assume that you will link up with the JW's where ever you move to.
    2. The new Congregation you have your information sent to, will be one that is pretty far away, is not going to have anything but a PO box number if at that in an area to far for them to travel to.
    3. It will not be difficult to simply fade.

    4. Sorry for these empty numbers......... I started from a different point of view and deleted some information and the original numbers remained.

  • JimmyYoung

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