When I was a kid, I changed the afternoon field service times from 'pm' to 'am' on the large white board. Everyone looks at the board as it is a large board prominently displayed near the stage & the brother delivering the announcements would refer to it when announcing the meeting points for each field service group
The field service meeting times were written in large, bold letters. At the next meeting, I was eagerly anticipating the announcements as all eyes would be on the notice board. How disappointed I was when not a single person noticed! Damn. This went on for a few meetings, and all the while, nobody noticed! Unbelievable...
I couldn't stand it anymore. I wanted people to notice my "handiwork!" During the announcements one meeting when the field service times & locations were read out & all eyes were on the board, smart aleck me pointed the "mistake" out to my dad. I didn't anticipate his reaction though. He literally jumped out from his seat & dashed to the board in front of everyone to rectify the error! I was laughing my ass off. However, I was later on identified as the culprit & punished back home. Short-lived joy that was...