Oh my word O’Brien has aged since the A.R.C. Wow that has put him under stress.
Melbourne Convention Protest
by jonahstourguide 32 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
jwleaks ,when your ready i`m sure we would all like to hear what what transpired with that conversation.
I`m surprised he is still a JW with his dismal performance at the ARC into ...child sexual abuse.
And his fellow Elders were even worse in defending the WT/JW religion.
Case 29 and 54 ? was it ? for those who have never seen it ?
Rezzy- 409 baptised, mostly 13 - 17 y.o. girls. 44,000 present.
409 sounds like a blue screen you get on the PC when a website can't be found.
44,000 present. Only another 100,000 needed and you got all the 144,000.
O'Brien's face make trench foot seem welcome in comparison. Are those eyebrows or is there a plague of hairy caterpillars raining down?