The Ethiopic bible has 81 books in the Old Testament , the Orthodox Bible has 51 books in the Old Testament ,the Catholic Bible has 46 books in the Old Testament and the Protestant Bible has 39 books in the Old Testament .
These are just a few that come to mind.
Apparently these all have the same amount of books in the New Testament..
So which Bible are you going to believe in ? Can`t GOD make up his mind how many books should be included in the Bible ?
So their are at least 42 books of Scripture that are excluded from some Bibles { mainly Protestant } that other non Protestant religions have .
Maybe Tameria 2001 you should be asking why have Jehovah`s Witnesses omitted so many of these other books that learned men have seen fit to include in their Bible .
And why did the WTB&TS see fit to adopt the Protestant view as to what was acceptable and what was not as they were also viewed as Apostate Christendom by them .?
Of course they have always held a special hatred of the Roman Catholic religion as is evidenced by their many publications since they began in the late 1800`s .