Hello to all,
This is my first post. I never dreamed I'd be on a site like this. I was baptized 43 years ago and pretty much have done and seen it all. I'm now certain that WT is not God's "spirit directed" earthly representative. This has been a gradual change since I began researching the "blood issue" and reading Ray Franz's books over a decade ago. Although much of what I learned and taught seemed to hold up to other beliefs ( hell fire, condition of the dead, immortality of the soul etc.), much of the other changing "new light" is nothong more than a "new guess". I served in all elder positions, have been given assembly talks and really believed I was doing it for Jah. I'm still attending some meetings, mostly to keep in good standing so that I can be part of the brotherhood and associate with some of my dear "letters of recommendation". I won't go anywhere else because I don't want to be shunned. However, blood issues and the disfellowshipping interpretation by WT make it a cult that is controlling and often deadly. Not a represenative of the God of LOVE! I'm trying to slip away gradually and unnoticed. Any who have questions about changed doctrine or need to talk about your plight, feel free to contact me. I'd be happy to meet others who share our experience.