If someone lacks belief is that somehow mean he’s done in their eyes and no way back?
Is a jw condemned for lack of belief.
by Crazyguy2 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Depends on what he lack belief in. It it's the Bible and/or Jehovah, then he is to be helped, but if it's the organization or the governing body, "off with his head!!!"
If he doesn't tell anybody his personal beliefs and can still spout the company line he's all good. (from what previous posters have said)
joey jojo
Witnesses are ok with the fact that they can preach something to the world, while claiming to represent God, that turns out later to be wrong.
No punishment needed.
But if you point out to them that they were wrong and they are now preaching a different belief, then they will punish you for demonstrating a lack of faith and most likely shun you.
It's happening to me right now.
To clarify, lack of belief in the Bible as gods word?
The first thing they likely would ask you ,have you been looking at apostate material ? And as you clarified, to doubt the Bible as Jehovah`s word ,you would most certainly be marked as not a good associate at least and if you kept it up questioning the Bible as gods word ,i`m sure you would be D.F
There is no correct answer to that question. It depends on many factors, including faith in what. The Jobos themselves. Nepotism. Money.
Is a JW condemned for lack of belief in the Bible as gods word?
Yes because faith is a prerequisite for being a spiritual person. I remember asking at a pioneer school session, so we believe because we want to believe? Because this is what the section on faith seemed to be saying.
The girl sitting next to me jokingly called me an apostate. It doesn't take long for a joke like that to become an accusation in front of three elders. Remember what a JW believes is straight from God through his faithful slave.
It's all down to interpretation of that ancient book as any other Abrahamic religion is but to them the interpretation is really straight from Holy Spirit. How can you argue with Holy Spirit ......
In the JW world Faith is mixed up with belief. If you don't believe in a teaching you have no faith. If you have no faith you don't have belief. It's an understood role of trusting the WTBTS no matter what they teach or believe.
People die before their time for want of a life saving blood transfusion.
People died from a lack of a Transplant that could have saved their lives circa 196O's........ and for a decade later. Transplants and transfusions are still saving lives.
Here's the bottom line.......... never..... ever...... trust your religion to make the right medical decision for you.
Example: Scientology re mental issues, or Christen Scientists re any medical health by any medical professionals.
The Christian Scientists are down to fifty thousand believers world wide. The rest died off from stuff that could have been treated.
The same Kingdom Hall Elders who are telling you not to get a transfusion are the same guys who will be washing your hospital room windows...... a week later.
Make a choice that saves your life.......live on.
Know what's really weird?
From what I recall of comments made those of us who've read it, the secret elder's manual doesn't seem to actually have any specific disciplinary direction regarding "unbelief" per se...
...i.e. "not believing in God" isn't explicitly a DFing offense, as long as you're obedient and loyal to the Org.