Unwise to give their personal address to strangers?! yet they have our addresses and more?! How can a jw not see the double standard here? They send unwanted material to complete strangers and we can't know who they really are? My jw has a fit when he finds out I have been "talking" to apostates online because they are 'strangers' and you don't know if they are for real blah, blah, blah. How is it any different when they are writing to strangers?
Letter writing question
by carla 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I thought independence of the organization was evil.
It's just the opposite as far as the borg's lawyers are concerned.
In the event of a lawsuit (such as the Conti case), the GB wants the local JWs to be seen as independent volunteers rather than as agents of the organization.
Allowing publishers to write letters using the Society's address would be seen as evidence that they are acting as agents of the organization in what they do.
Can't have that!
The whole thing is ironic and hypocritical, given the vast control the GB exercises over Witnesses' lives: "Do everything we tell you to do the way we tell you to do it, but if you get into trouble doing it, you're on your own because you're just an independent volunteer."
I was inadvertently copied on one of their letters by a relative. She uses her maiden name initials as her name and uses a PO box as her address. It took me a while to determine who this person was in the letter. The letter itself was a weird witnessing with lots of scriptures. Ends with how the world is ending and they have a chance to live forever on Paradise Earth! See your dead relatives!
I actually got, in my regular mailbox, a similar letter from some whacko. No name, no religion referenced. Just weird ramblings about God, etc. Threw it in the garbage.
The relative tells me, every time I call her, about her "Witnessing by letter" and how effective it is and how many new JWs there are as a result. I grunt and say "Yes, I'm sure.." as I put the phone on mute and laugh!
They are not trained to see double-standards or even to think..Otherwise they would be headed for the door if they did.
I must be blessed because I have not received a letter from these shut-in JWs!
I suppose word must have gotten out about my views and they feel it would be a waste to even bother.