Loyalty to God ( or the Society ) Before The Familiar

by BluesBrother 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BluesBrother

    This week's Midweek meeting has an item on this theme. As usual there is a video to show:-


    If you don't watch it, there is a familiar story , son grows up, challenges beliefs, leaves home and disassociates. ..This highlights the mother's pain and heartache as she loses her son . But- loyalty to uphold the shunning must come first.

    This will cause a few tears to families in this situation. And it does show what I saw time and again when I was in. That disfellowshipping hurts the family that are left in too.

    It is easy to say" More fool them for following it" and yes, that is right. But they are victims. . Victims of a controlling organization that they believe speaks for almighty God. Perhaps they really believe that this will bring their loved one back into the fold?

    Whatever.... everybody suffers.

    [Edit.. Sorry for the typo in the title, should have been Family. Darned auto-correct ]

  • hoser

    The fear of being disfellowshipped is the glue that holds the organization together.

  • waton

    In the film, the son seems to be an above average kid, does not leave a messy room, when mom checks.!! so,

    The parents decide do break the relationship. On wt orders. For wt writer's fear that they too might discover something bad enough to give a good reason leave altogether.

    How to atone for this? to dull the pain?, create more pain! pioneer! aka self flagellation. Funny, how

    All these sob stories, whether it is "Andre' "or Andrea, always end up with the lead character pioneering', like in the fairy tales: "and they lived happily ever after" implied.

    Who pays for all this?

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Forced isolation to show love . i remember the fat ass from the GB saying that if you find someone freezing you shout at them and slap them; the real treatment is to hug them and give warmth.

    The bible does not set a year limit either for "reinstatement". The scriptures show way less than a year. And the offense was something the world would shun peopke over too.

    Do not forget the coercion used for baptism


    Thank you BluesBrother for starting this thread!

    Watching this video really struck a nerve! Levi decides he no longer wants to be a Jehovah's Witness. He writes a disassociation letter. The congregation announces that Levi is ''no longer a Jehovah's Witness.'' Levi moves out of his parents home. One day, Levi texts his mom. Mom decides not to answer his text. The father tells his wife that Levi needs discipline and that they need to remain loyal to Jehovah. They refuse to take his messages. Five years later, they still refuse to talk or associate with their son, Levi! The moral of the story is REMAIN LOYAL TO JEHOVAH REMAIN LOYAL TO THE WATCHTOWER SOCIETY

    This video is the main reason I quit attending all meetings about 8 years ago. The way they treated my cousin after he was disfellowshipped was beyond cruel and unusual treatment. Here are four threads I started about the treatment of my cousin:

    The awful treatment of my disfellowshipped cousin still continues

    Terrible conduct by congregation Elders in hospital room !

    Horrible conduct by congregation Elders at my cousin's funeral.............

    My uncle who is an Elder has been warned not to ''talk or meet grandson''.

  • Atlantis


    Thank you Blues for posting a very important subject that is of concern to us all.


  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    "For some parents the most difficult test comes when they see the kangaroo court and then see preferential treatment of elders children for similar or worse".

    That and the ends a committee will go to to trap soneone. Stalking, spying, "investigating", fishing for and coaching " witnesses".

    The elders being deeply hurt is BS

  • peacefulpete

    The logic of an abuser. I must emotionally abuse you to make you understand.

  • Fadeaway1962

    One of my siblings was diagnosed with secondary cancer early last year has undergone 4 treatment's and they have not been successful yet.A non JW relative let their only child who was disfellowshiped for teenage stuff about 10 years ago they called their parents and they explained the diagnosis to them and then they just wanted just to chat to them and was told we can't do that because you are disfellowshiped and they said they have to return to Jehovah.

    That was the end of the conversation .

    I spoke to my family members about this and they just said they need to return to Jehovah ,I asked them but if they no longer believe in Jehovah do you expect them to tell lies to return "deer in the headlights moment " and just repeated they need to return.

    Very sad because of a abusive controlling cult that destroys family's.

  • waton

    It is wt inc. , the elders they appointed who have to return.

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