I think over the long term this will be the model for WTBTS all over the world. The GB will issue "guidance" from Warwick, NY but the individual congregations will be left to take care of themselves. If a given congregation is sued out of existence the Warwick gang will simply say that the litigation is the "work of satan" and then move on.
Australian jws/branch warned of possible loss of charity status.
by Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice. 23 Replies latest jw friends
WingCommander - "...Once the above happens and the Australian government revokes their charitable status, they can immediately start claiming, 'Persecution!!!!!'..."
You sure?
When Russia started cracking back down on the Org in the past few years, the loss of tax exemption wasn't even mentioned, to my recollection... the Org leadership only focused on raids, arrests, and police brutality.
Know why?
'Cause how the fuck do you spin "paying back Caesar's things to Caesar" as "persecution"?
Ten bucks says the rank-and-file never even hear a peep from the WT leadership about loss of "charity status".
Sure, the WTS's lawyers fight like demons in the courts to keep the Org's tax-exemption when they can*, but when have the ever touted that specific accomplishment to the membership when they've achieved it?
*I suspect the Org's business model is dependent on it... otherwise why fight so hard to keep it in the first place?
If WTS loses its charitable status in Australia, I suspect the bOrg will set up an online donation link that sends funds directly to New Zealand, UK, or the USA.
As to the Watchtower coughing up $$$ through asset sale it cant happen. The Watchtower society in Australia has minimal assets of printing equipment and office equipment. Everything else is owned by separate(legally separate) entities that cant be drawn into the compensation.Every congregation is a poor charity with less than $5k in the bank and their hall is owned by a Private Non-charity company run by the WTS. Their whole restructure from the early 200's has been geared to avoid financial responsibility for their actions.
This is all true. But I don’t think their ‘shell game’ will necessarily work. There is a court case In New York where CCJW inc. attempted to claim they were not Watchtower and therefore cannot be responsible for abuse perpetrated before they came into being (as you say early 2000’s). They claim CCJW doesn’t commingle it’s funds with any other organization and has its own board of directors.
Fortunately Zalkin law firm put that BS to bed once and for all. The service dept remains responsible for child abuse cases whether it’s called Watchtower inc. or CCJW inc. and they are fully aware that watchtower owns all the property. The law won’t be fooled.
i do agree they will do anything to escape liability, including folding the Australian branch and leaving each congregation to fend for itself and ensuring all donations go directly to Headquarters.