epica- ice cores

by joey jojo 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    epica- European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica.

    Kind of old news but fascinating. Over the last 10 years or so, this organisation has analysed ice core samples taken from Antarctica

    Drilling more than 3000 metres into the permafrost, they produced the longest, continuous record of earths climate extending back almost 800 000 years. Yes, eight hundred THOUSAND years.

    Interestingly, no evidence of Noahs flood. These core samples closely match others taken from Greenland which date to over 100 000 years old. They use several kinds of dating techniques from independent sources to verify the ages of these core samples. Young earth creationists, of course, have done their best to try and discredit this research. I did a quick search on JW.org for 'ice core samples' and found no mention of them.

  • Cornbread

    I wrote to Bethel a few months back on this very subject. Here's the thread, their official response is on page 5.


  • Heaven

    JJJ, I find all the various disciplines searching for real truth fascinating. They leave religion behind in quantum leaps. ;0)

    It is interesting to note that as our technology and knowledge has increased, the incidents of god speaking to humans has dwindled to those who suffer auditory or mental hallucinations or other delusions.

    Here is a link to the ESF's summary page on the EPICA: European Science Foundation - European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA).

  • Heaven
    Cornbread, your thread is also excellent. Thank you.
  • konceptual99

    Great timing. I read and article on this in New Scientist during the WT study yesterday and was going to post a topic on the subject of ice cores and flood. I too searched for "ice cores" on the WT Library and found no trace of any mention of them except for one...

    It's a picture credit from page 10 of the Was Life Created brochure where they use the picture of some bacteria that were found in 3km deep in an ice core taken from a glacier in Greenland with an age of 120,000 years . You can see the same picture and read more about this here:


    The full credit is:

    Penn State University, laboratory of Jean Brenchley, and with kind permission from Springer ScienceBusiness Media: Extremophiles, Novel ultramicrobacterial isolates from a deep Greenland ice core represent a proposed new species, Chryseobacterium greenlandense sp. nov., January 2010, Jennifer Loveland-Curtze;

    They refer to the picture as "subterranean bacteria". In the text they state the following:

    Earth: Just one hundred grams (3.5 ounces) of soil has been found to host 10,000 species of bacteria, not to mention the total number of microbes. Some species have been found almost two miles underground!

    The last sentence is referenced to this article in the bibliography:


    The synopsis is:

    DNA from low-biodiversity fracture water collected at 2.8-kilometer depth in a South African gold mine was sequenced and assembled into a single, complete genome. This bacterium, Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator, composes >99.9% of the microorganisms inhabiting the fluid phase of this particular fracture. Its genome indicates a motile, sporulating, sulfate-reducing, chemoautotrophic thermophile that can fix its own nitrogen and carbon by using machinery shared with archaea. Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator is capable of an independent life-style well suited to long-term isolation from the photosphere deep within Earth’s crust and offers an example of a natural ecosystem that appears to have its biological component entirely encoded within a single genome.

    So the "subterranean" bacteria is not just from under the earth, but from ice that has been there for 120,000 years. And the organisation is implicitly admitting it.

    So, you can ask any Witness if the polar ice caps were there before the flood and they will almost certainly say "no" because they all think the climate was in equilibrium earth wide due to the rain canopy. This suggests something different and it's from right out of a publication.

  • konceptual99
    Oh yeah - top job Cornbread as well...
  • Crazyguy
    Did the Borg respond to your letter?
  • konceptual99
  • Phizzy

    Well done Cornbread !

    I like the way the WT/JW org paint Big J as a real devious bugger, saying that he deliberately withheld information that would have eradicated doubts about the fantastical flood story.

    Is not " being economical with the truth" the same as telling lies ? and "god cannot lie ?"

    They really are Johnny Numbnuts when it comes to matters of Scientific fact, they are in the same class as Ken Ham. Flat-Earthers really.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo
    Nice cornbread. Sorry, I missed your original post. This stuff is hard to argue with and unless researchers discover the science they use to analyse this data is wrong, it's yet another logical reason for everyone not to simply accept traditional or faith -based explanations of the earth's history.

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