I am a little worried....

by Ravyn 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prudence


    Good luck,and hang in there. I too will be thinking of you next Thursday.

    Love Prudence

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hey Ravyn:

    The server change and family demands have kept me from the forum for a bit..

    I send to you lots of "HUGS".. and "CARING THOUGHTS" and I will be all waiting to hear how you make out with all these health issues.

    It seems I meet more and more people on this forum who have extremely keen minds like you.. and then our darn bodies let us down in some way.

    Nuture yourself, let others nurture you as well.

    This is a stressful time for you. I hope you can find something to distract yourself from the thoughts that are obviously running through your mind. Pick up a good book something thats captivating for you.

    thinking of you

    special K

  • talesin


    Sending you much positive energy. By yr posts, I have admired you as such a strong womin - wow! Very sorry you are cursed with the damn lupus and now this. Glad that you have a loving, supportive partner! Also happy that you have insurance (god, I hate the US medical system) to cover this, wish you were in Canada where at least we have universal health care. If you ever need to emigrate for health reasons, let me know. I would be happy to claim you as family!


  • Ravyn

    I am trying not to worry about the doctor's appointment on Thursday, but we also have a big legal thing coming up on Wednesday. It is a lawsuit arbitration. Long story---let's just say my husband will never stop to see if someone is ok when he sees a wreck again! The woman is trying to sue everyone--all the witness and even me(I was not even there but my name is on the truck and my husband was a witness)--it is a joke--she never hit another vehicle and she has not even gone to a doctor about any supposed injuries in the 3 years this thing has been wasting taxpayer money. 4 lawyers will arbitrate, 2 out of the 4 want it dismissed as 'Frivolous'. I like to think justice will be done--but I have not seen justice in these 3 yrs and I am afraid it will go to trial. If it does go to trial in October-this will cost us big time--it means travelling 1000 miles and paying for a place to stay, our pets in kennels and missing work. And I don't want to even think about it if I end up having to be treated for another health problem-- worst case scenario I can't see me making the trip while on chemo or after a surgery!

    Anyway, that happens the day BEFORE my doctors appointment.
    so it will be a hard week.


  • Ravyn

    the arbitration was put off until next wednesday.

    I am about ready to go to bed, but today is my doctor's appointment and the test for cancer. so please keep me in your thoughts today. I wiol probably come in to check later on tonight, but I won't know anything until probably next week on the test.

    thank you for all your kind support.


  • Nikita

    Will be thinking of you Ravyn! Hang in there!


  • talesin


    you must be exhausted. I just lit a candle to remind me to think of you.

    sending lotsa good energy to a great womin ....


  • pettygrudger

    (((Ravyn))) My thoughts & prayers are with you today - and hopefully the doctor was able to reassure you as only a doctor can.

    As far as the test you recommended however, the reason this test is not done routinely is because it has an EXTREMELY high false positive/negatives rate. I spoke with my doctor, and a girlfriend who had spoken with hers as well, and this test is totally unreliable. The only time medical experts will usually administer it anymore is if the patient insists on having it. Usually it causes alot of panic where none should have been.

    A good transvaginal ultrasound, along with reporting any weird symptoms is still your best bet, along with yearly check-ups & pap-smears. You may also wish to have a D&C done regularly to check tissues for any irregularities. This is what my doctor has done with me.

    Sending lots of positive vibes & hugs your way.

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