Dissenting Virologist
by Wakanda 47 Replies latest social current
the girl next door
Fauci was quite prophetic in 2017. *sarcasm* We'll see how many doctors actually wake up and if it makes any difference.
At the very least, fast-forward to 13 mins 15 seconds and listen for the next 3 minutes.
Anyone who objects to hearing a dissenting point of view and tries to gag it, should never attend for jury service.
The longer I live, the mantra "Follow the money" applies more & more in so many events.
Anders Andersen
Also interesting reading material: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judy_Mikovits
Good idea to watch asap because it's been removed from so many links. Youtube is on a rampage -- I received emails and didn't have time to view and someone had to send me links via text last night. I just hope this scientist has mental problems and this isn't true.
Appreciate hearing all the comments.
Judy says in the video that her work is vaccinations, and she is not against vaccines.
She believes in vaccines -- the ones that work. Her opinion re/flu vaccines is interesting - I've heard same from others (not in her league) but couple of medical doctors.
There's a saying, "Listen to the science, not the scientist" which is meant to highlight the importance of peer review, but is apropos in other ways as well.
I’ve got to wonder why such powerful forces that can get her arrested and held without charges and impose a 5 year gag order and bankrupt her didn’t just silence her for good. Red flag for me.
Also interesting reading material
Wikipedia is a thoroughly biased and unreliable source of information, especially for something that is controversial.