Letter first says over 5000 died, then later is says over 8600.
CHAPTER 1 items:
Par. 12 is of interest: ... we want to be more cautious than the secular authorities and our neighbors .....
All the precautions (face covering, social distance etc) do not come from the amazing governing body but from those secular authorities who are so eager to resume activities for economic reasons.....
Par. 14 is peculiar and apparently based on old data. In The Netherlands, and various other countries, the number of infected individuals is decreasing significantly. But hey....the less contact they recommend, the better :-)
17000 deaths is about equal to the number in the Netherlands, difference being that there are over 17 million inhabitants whereas only 8 million JW's. Not a track record for which their God deserves praise I guess.
Par. 15 repeats "secular authorities who are so eager to resume activities for economic reasons"
Par. 18: in order increase the burden on sick JW's in hospitals and on their treating medical staff, they emphasize the blood position again.
Good to see that none of the popular vaccines contain blood fractions (though I believe the AstraZenica and Janssen vaccines are based on blood fractions.
Everywhere it use the word WE.....I always wonder, who the WE are....
Par 20. more or less provides the impression that if you have yourself vaccinated, you show respect for life. Allow a blood transfusion would then also be an act of love for life...