So before 1922 the kingdom message, how was it understood, did it play a role at all, and was the earthly hope proclaimed before or after 1922?
The Earthly hope (rather than heavenly) was a message from the 1930's developed to explain why there were more members than could be accounted for in the "heaven only" 144,000
In 1920 Rutherford had written that it was "unreasonable" to think God was developing any class other than the little flock (the 144,000 to attain heavenly kingship) and the "great company" (second spiritual class also with a heavenly hope).
1932: Identification of "Jonadabs", a "sheep" class of people who take a stand for righteousness and who are to be preserved by God through Armageddon to gain everlasting life on earth. The term was drawn from the account at 2 Kings 10.
1932: Watch Tower Society adherents with an earthly hope should join the worldwide preaching work. In 1927 The Watchtower had directed that only anointed Christians were "entitled" to take part in the ministry.
In 1934, theWatchtower explained that the "Jonadabs" survive Armageddon by living in the figurative "City of refuge", represented by remaining affiliated with the Watch Tower Society.- ____________________________
In Babylon the Great Has Fallen--God's Kingdom Rules! Freddy Franz actually tries to convince the reader that the series of conventions from 1922 were fulfillments of the Book of Revelation.
This came as a huge shock to me when I studied it in prison in 1967-69 with a group of other JW's.
It sounded looney. It really struck me as bizarre anybody would make such claims.
But, the other brothers were merely. . . impressed. . . by the claims of divine fulfillment in their choice of religion.
I didn't put up a fight. I wrongly reckoned the others were at least as wise as I was.
I swallowed the silly premise and went about my self-sacrifice like a sheep.