How does one go about getting his name added to the list?
Do Not Call List Does the Job
by willyloman 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I can't wait for October 2003...
I do have more patience.... what I do is just say it VERY RUDELY and they get the picture very quick.
The other thing that you can do is when they ask for "mrs. >>>>>" and there is no mrs. whatever in your house, try this out...
Hello, is mrs. bla bla bla (mispronounced) there please?
Oh, I'm sorry, she's DEAD. (pronouncing it very tersely!) What is this about? We need to sort out her debts, etc.
The person on the other end of the telephone will be freaking out to say the least.... I guarantee it. When I did it, she did not know what to say! It was absolutley hilarious!!!! I guarantee that you will get some reaction from it!
I just registered my number and my wife's. A great concept from the government, who'da thunk it? (Let's hope it really works...
The other thing that you can do is when they ask for "mrs. >>>>>" and there is no mrs. whatever in your house, try this out...
Hello, is mrs. bla bla bla (mispronounced) there please?
This happens to me all the time. My wife's name before we were married was E*****, and when I pick up her phone, I can tell immediately that it's a telemarketer when they ask, "is this Mr. E*****?"
A few times, I've responded to the beginning of a pitch by saying something like, "If you are a telemarketer, you should know that I charge a $500 fee for accepting telemarketing calls. So before you proceed, I'll need the correct address for billing, and your name as the person who is authorizing the charge?" That tends to fluster them. No one has actually given me the information yet (usually they just hang up; the idiots argue about it), but if they ever do, you can bet they'll have a small claim filed against them if they don't pay my bill...
Can you go on Judge Judy?
Let me know when the episode is.... I'll laugh my ass off.
Of course, she'll be yelling at you the whole time.... telling you how stupid you are... bringing up all kinds of dirt...
Don't you think she'd more likely be yelling at the telemarketer?
William Penwell
Do Not Call List Brings Telemarketers to Their Knees
Good its about time. I don't think anyone is feeling sorry for them today.
I'm on the do not call list, and have been since 6/27. I still receive a lot of calls. mostly recorded ones, but still i have been harasssed by dallas morning news 3x, and yelled at them the last time. And MCI and ATT call me, and i have been equally rude to them. I had one person say"u don't have to be so rude". Yes i do, they won't quit calling.
I'm going to start naming names as soon as the law allows, i believe in october.
I think the law says if u have done business with them or anyone connected to them within 18 months, they can still call u.
I think the law says if u have done business with them or anyone connected to them within 1 8 months, they can still call u.
Hmmm, I noticed that it said if you had done business with them during the last 18 months, they could still call you, but I didn't see anything about "anyone connected with them." If that's true, depending on how it's interpreted, it could just about invalidate the whole concept. Would a company that bought their customer list be considered "connected with them"? That's how most telemarketers get their call lists anyway.