The latest “special” campaign!
by DATA-DOG 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Undoubtedly spending millions of hours, wasting stamps and precious lives writing and sending people links in the mail to a recycled series of articles anyone can already read online...then counting every hit on the website as proof that they are getting their special message out to the world, when in reality, only 23 people will click on it intentionally, 300 will do it to please a family member so they will shut the fuck up about it. 200 may do it because they were searching for how to stop JW's calling and sending us mail. And the rest will be from rabid publishers repeatedly clicking to read it to see if there is any new glimmer of hope that the end is any closer than right around the corner...we can see it's getting bigger...never been so close...almost upon us...and all the rest of the bullshit. Nonetheless, they will count the 150 million hits on the link as proof that they are getting out the message! It really is so special, that special isn't even a special enough word for how special this all is.
100+ years of publicizing their interpretation of "God's Kingdom" and still not only does not ONE single non-JW understand it, but a good percentage of JW's likely do not understand it either.
Good job!
Joe Hoover should get a new PR representative.
I always hated the “special” talks...I never thought they were anything special. Lol
Anything special in JW world is not really special at all.
That link was not available to us in Europe. .. however we know of their campaign to local government officials. This will just be filed,or binned, with all the other crank letters they get .
Why do it. Because it is good, even necessary for the r and f to see that " important campaigns " are still going on and the work is not yet over. If The WTS lost their support, it would die.
I remember a big campaign back in tbe '70s , it was anti Christendom. We all had 100 leaflets to get out in 10 days. Oh, we felt so important doing that . We really felt that this was a historic message that would precede the end.
How wrong we were !
Slidin Fast
The letter campaign in the UK is of dubious legality under GDPR legislation. WT has responded by initiating a national general effort in which publishers are encouraged to send letters in their territory. Typically 4 or 5 people will sit offering content suggestions over Zoom and maybe 1 or 2 letters per hour are written. So 5 hours counted 1 or 2 letters sent. So, the publishers are left out on the legal limb since all the instruction has com from WT verbally. There is nothing committed to paper, there is no evidence trail leading to WT. A monumental waste of time with these innocents unaware that they are on a legal limb.
The "special" global campaign in UK now requires songs to sent a letter and copy of the relevant WT to all businesses. In one nearby song there are 1000 businesses targeted. It was decided that costs of postage, nearly over £800 would be born by song funds. WT have now forbidden the use of long funds for this purpose, I suspect they don't want any evidential link between them and this dodgy waste of time and money.
The WT in question BTW is the most toothless, boring thing you could imagine,
There is nothing special about anything labeled "special" in JW land. Even many of the r and f ask why is something special.....when the content is a different version of the something presented every year with just some different language or spin on the topics.
Anna Marina
Never underestimate the rank and file. During this special campaign some are doing an oustanding job disposing of toxic waste in safe manner.
JWS special talks = twisted propaganda with nothing really that special.