by manicmama 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Atlantis

    DPA Cards--All 50 States. Pretty much the latest. Look at the end of the file name after opening the folder. You might see: ( Ufl ), or something like that. the last two letters, " fl ' would mean Florida. "ar" would be Arkansas, and so forth. "al " would be Alaska.

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  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    HIPPA. Against law to pry

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  • Vidiot

    So, your mom dies...

    ...and instead of "our condolences" or even "are you okay?", the first thing her JW peers ask is - for all intents and purposes - "did she die loyal and obedient to the Org?"

    That's fucked up, man.

    What's next? "Did she leave the Org any money?"

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  • FedUpJW

    What's next? "Did she leave the Org any money?"

    My personal experience after the deaths of each of my parents was THAT was the first question out of their pie-holes! The second was, "Are you the executor? Can we help make sure that anything going to WT gets there?"

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  • Biahi

    Omg, Fedup, is THAT what I have to look forward to?

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  • Diogenesister

    I'm just speechless

    I offer you my sincerest condolences and please see Atlantis' post above*.

    *Petra and Atlantis in my view are "a brother born for time of distress" indeed!

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  • Overrated

    When My Dad passed away the"Brothers" where more concern with if my dad had a will and if so did he left anything to the Society. My dad left everything to our mother and at that point we had to pay to have a Jw service at the Kingdumb Hell. I told my family that's Bullshit. They did it anyway. Nothing but a sales pitch for Watchtower. An insult to the family.

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  • JeffT

    My condolences to you and your family. It isn't easy, I know.

    My computer doesn't want to open Atlantis' documents. Are they different from the ones posted earlier? Knowing the Watchtower, I suspect its about money but I can't imagine what a DPA has to do with that, unless they are trying to determine who might be appointed to settle the estate.

  • Atlantis

    Try this JeffT, it is a different link for those documents.

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  • Bobcat

    Hi Atlantis & Petra,

    Thanks for that file. You're both "Johnny-on-the-spot." But I like Atlantis and Petra better. "Granpa" is good too!

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