I was told by my best friend father, who was a self righteous SOB elder. They wouldn’t be going to see Star Wars at the movies because it had the word “War” in it.
What Were You or Someone You Knew Counseled For That Was Ridiculous?
by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends
road to nowhere
"A brother would wear rings and was told not too"
Pinky ring? Like the brothers of christ?
I've heard people say that about Star Wars. But they forget about the Book of the Wars of Jehovah.
Oh, I’m sure in this instance the ‘Karen’ type was a homely woman (although the name Karen makes me think of somebody attractive). I’m not saying I approve or disapprove of waxing, but this is the problem in Witness world where everybody can’t keep their mouth shut and blab their business all over the place!
Very good posts and stories here. I was counseled over clothing (typical if you look good). Also, my language 🙄. I also had other remarks said over the years I was there: don’t get a 2 door car (to which I told the busybody sister..if they are paying my car payments I’ll get any car they want); and that I should quit my full time job and do housecleaning and pioneer. Glad I never did this 😊.
Even though I’m Out, I know of some people who had a problem over remarks somebody made when they were seen on Zoom. I honestly don’t understand how anybody even stays in this religion. It is oppressive to the nth degree.
A mustache that looked "like the Marlboro man", side-burns longer than the part of the ear called the Tragus (that little flap of cartilage over the front of the ear canal), western boots that were bone colored with caramel colored lizard wing-tips, a two-door sports car, a four-wheel drive pickup, livestock.
I was always on their radar as an adult because I did not scrape and bow to the eldurrs.
I used to love seeing the worst dressed elders picking on how people were dressed. We had one elder that wore the loudest shirts and ties and never pressed suits always counseling someone on their choices
I was pulled into the back room for getting an education. My question to the Elders was Does Gee-hober want stupid people? This seems what they where implying. Keep people stupid. But then I was not one who you can easily deceive. My education trained me on how to think clearly and critically. Which they(Watchtower) don't like.
The smarter you are the dumber they look
James Jack
Watching the tv series Grimm and for watching the movie “The Wizard of Oz”. I told them that I would call them for now on before I watch any tv program or see any movie.
You literally can’t tell them anything personal even though it’s no big deal. Hypothetically someone could get stumbled