Gluttony seems to be a sin that JW's like to ignore .There are several scriptures that point out that gluttony is a sin, Proverbs 23:20-21 "Do not join those who gorge themselves on meat".....Also I read somewhere that 1% is the number of disfellowshipped JW's each year......How do prove someone is a glutton and not just a person who love food????
Anyone recall someone disfellowshipped for gluttony???
by James Mixon 61 Replies latest watchtower bible
No I haven't, but there sure are a lot of JWs that are extremely obese. Not that obesity and gluttony are one and the same, but there is certainly a strong correlation.
And I'm not must saying a little overweight, I mean morbidly obese.
It's noteworthy that the WTBTS has avoided that particular "deadly sin." Here's an interesting "confessional" on the subject by a Christian pastor:
James Mixon
ip1692: Yes that was one thing I noticed, "morbidly obese"..The cart work do not help.
Never heard of it. The ks 10 discusses it as a df’ing offense even... but never ever heard of it happening
The question of gluttony (which may lead to obesity) has puzzled me too. To me, it's almost like some brothers (and sisters) have essentially said "screw it. The paradise will take care of everything". I even have a relative who is an elder and does NOT take care of his health. Even openly ignoring the doctor's orders to just WALK a little! But, no. Not even that. How does it not hurt their conscience to be up on stage and say "hey everybody! Imitate me! As I imitate JC!"
That is one subject WT does not discuss. Some of the most/uber "spiritual" people in the org are obese. Notice that WT does not put the morbidly obese brothers and sisters on their video's. Another "let's sweep it under the rug" issue.
I recall a recent broadcast video where one of the GB members (the one that fumbled through the RAC hearing) had a belly and hadn't bothered buttoning up his suit coat. Maybe it's just me but I thought, "good grief man. Have a little self respect". But, what was REALLY funny is that I had been chatting with an elder a few weeks later and he had told me how a CO in California had gotten bent out of shape when a speaker hit the stage at an assembly WITHOUT buttoning his coat and he wanted him hung, drawn and quartered!
James Mixon
All the years as a JW I can not recall a talk on gluttony (1971-1987), i guess masturbation is a more serious sin....
Thanks ip1692 for posting Why Pastors stay away from preaching on gluttony,LOL...
Heres the thing... the ks10 speaks of , not ones weight, but the attitude toward food. (As an aside, bmi is a joke). No jw wants to try and quantify ‘attiude toward food’ in a judicial sense. Jw’s only deal with actions (sex or stealing etc etc) never attitude. Its the same reason they keep track of fs time. Nobody wants to discuss a person mindset or attitude only what can be proven on a piece of paper.