I just read Blondies WatchTower comments and was thinking about the J-duds and their version of love.They talk about how God loved us even when we were sinners. A policy far removed from the J-duds. My daughter, who I have custody of, has been having trouble with her J-dud mother. My baby,(19) was never baptized and does not want to be a dud. Her mother has told her that she,(mom) has a problem with the girl over the religion and will not talk to her or associate with her any more. Mind you the girl was never a dud and her mother ran off with a worldly guy when she was 13 and only "came back" when the FBI put the guy in jail! As for caring about this child I offered mom 100 grand and she took it and did not fight me for custody. 100K...that was her price, I thought it was a hell of a deal!
I love my daughter, no holds barred! I told her that if, in time she wanted to be a dud, that was her call. All I asked was that she still talk to me and not let that bunch of depends wearing, addled brained, androgyny up in Brooklyn tell her she could not! You see, I love her unconditionally. I have loved her from birth. I could do no other. If she were to smash my new truck,( two days old), I would get over it, as long as she was not hurt! She's worth more than all the trucks on earth. I may not like some of the things she does, but I will always love her....how could I do otherwise? I helped deliver her, cared for her, dealt with the teenage years as a single parent, watched her grow, how could I not want the very best for her? This, to me, is the most evil part of Dud-dom....to walk away from your family, if they do not conform. They are clueless to what love is. And God has no part with them.....Your thoughts? Maverick