This ship of fools will go off clucking into the sunset and hardly anyone will take notice.
Even with a stricter viewpoint along with the perpetual hype of nearness to the end, the true believers increasingly just take it all calmly with a pinch of salt and are happy to stay in the "best life ever" social club (for the mentally myopic).
Meanwhile the GB are running round like headless chickens with bigger and better threats to keep the faithful in the the cult compound.Seriously who can possibly trust a man who looks at fashion clothing as a marker of Christianity? The GB don't know that fashion is more powerful than cult leaders because it has to do with the mating instinct! Shhh don't tell them.
Tight pants Tony and his crew are abysmally short on insight into human hearts and needs. They also lack the flexibility to alter course and therefore stick with what has served the cult well in the past: a defiant spirit of no compromise when something can be quoted from the Bible. This makes them feel warm inside but as the "two witness" injunction shows, the insistence on Biblical precedent is not the course of practical wisdom because it results in harming the abused. The leaders of the JW cult put Bible dogma before the welfare of the individuals in the flock. The world now calls this behaviour unacceptable and abusive--and rightly so. The world moves forward but the GB are stuck in a religious mire.
Without a radical change--which they are not offering or contemplating--they will not be able to take the religion forward when all the odds are now stacked against them. You can only fight a war on one or two fronts, five or six fronts i.e. financial downturn, ageing congregants, child abuse fines, internet transparency, better education everywhere outside the org, declining numbers, decline of religious sentiment et al, is too much strain their rigid system.
However the Watchtower delusion will remain for those elderly JWs who are incapable of thinking for themselves but the power of the organisation I think will evaporate.