The danger of thinking we know everything.

by stuckinarut2 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinarut2

    A thought occurred that there is a danger in thinking we know everything, or have it all figured out in life. Especially when it comes to matters of doctrine or faith.

    Witnesses (or at least the society as a whole) are so self-confident, so proud to be the only ones who know "the truth" about everything to do with the universe, the earth, our past and our future, that pride kicks in. And pride is dangerous...(.and before a fall)

    What happens then when teachings, understandings or doctrines are wrong?

    The moment we think we know everything, we actually know nothing.

  • naazira
    I remember when I had learned the truth, I was filled with pride. I was so proud of Jehovah's organization, and the fact that millions of other people believed the EXACT same doctrine as me. I was proud that Jehovah's spirit had drawen me to the Truth™...little ol me, who was hand picked by Jehovah. I eventually began looking down on non-witnesses. One day it all came crashing down and I went from prideful to humble. I learned of the many doctrine changes in the past and I felt confused.
  • talesin

    May I add, that posters who are dogmatic, and choose to plague every thread that could be remotely connected to the topic about which they are dogmatic, can be disruptive, and purposely have derailed many a thread. It's akin to a dog, snapping at everyone who comes within reach of its leash. ('dog', get it?) OTOH, it can be like taking candy from a baby, if you choose to be easily amused. hehe.

    Image result for foghorn leghorn beats up dog

    Oh, the term dogma need not refer to religion.

    1. a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.
      "the Christian dogma of the Trinity"
      synonyms:teaching, belief, tenet, principle, precept, maxim, article of faith, canon;More
  • dubstepped
    Run with those that search for truth, and run like hell from those who claim to have found it. - I don't remember where I heard that quote, but I love it. The more I know, the more I realize I don't know. I'd rather be humble and hungry than arrogant and satisfied like I used to be as a JW.
  • stuckinarut2


    Halfway through my life I realise that I was a very conceited and arrogant person for thinking that I was one of the few people who knew the whole "truth"

    To assume that I had the "truth" is so wrong. The reality is I know very little ...


    May I add, that posters who are dogmatic, and choose to plague every thread that could be remotely connected to the topic about which they are dogmatic, can be disruptive, and purposely have derailed many a thread. It's akin to a dog, snapping at everyone who comes within reach of its leash.

    Oh, the term dogma need not refer to religion......Talesin

    ................Image result for hallelujah squirrel gif

  • Twitch

    The more I know, the more I realize I don't know.

    One of life's many paradoxes it would seem.

  • atomant
    Yep and its this type of thinking that the governing body have immersed themselves in.lts already an established fact that their teachings,doctrines and understandings are wrong.WRONG.And the gutless sheeple just go along with it without question, so infact the sheeple are no better than the pretend leaders.lts a farce(a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations.)The governing baboons have a lot to answer for.
  • Ucantnome
  • TheOldHippie
    One area where for my part I feel this definitely is an important point, is in the field of evolution versus creation. How many program do I not watch where the evolutionists state that earlier, one did not quite understand how this or that was - but NOW we know how it is, NOW we have the full truth about it. And then, in about 20 years' time, another evolutionist will say exactly the same. I don't intend to hijack the thread, but me - I get angry when I hear about how the plants and insects and worms have figured things out and miraculously managed to overcome obstacles and have engineered new solutions whereupon the tree next door has managed to overcome this etc. NOW we know it, a decade ago we didn't.

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