agree with SBF there he seems to have became almost obsessional in whatever action he has planned , a case of Derek O'Hare all over again I sense sadly which we all know where that leads, he needs to take a break, he's not going to make any difference in the grand scheme of things however many YT viewings he gets, the R&F who know him locally with just label him as yet another nut.
Disfellowshipped for apostrophe!
by slimboyfat 41 Replies latest members campaign
At least he is trying . Did we hear him trying to explain Jehovah to the Policeman ? in that video he didn't say exactly what the conversation was , and if he educated a non JW about the WT good . So many don't realise just how the cult works , the more everyone learns about them the better . lf the PC has a relative , friend or colleague thinking about joining he can warn them off . Unless he had threatened violence , which does not appear to be the case , why on earth did they call the police , is it a criminal offence now to question them ?
I watched his very last vid and it appears he has made some closure and is prepared to get on with his life spend time with his son and close friends which comes across far more healthy, if he is reading good luck in your journey Big Mark.
Mark was filing people during and after the meeting. I think it's reasonable to ask him not to film people without agreement and post the videos on youtube. And it's reasonable to ask him to leave if he refuses to stop. In some ways they were pretty patient with him, all things considered, in particular the fact he repeatedly lied and later taunted them about the videos. Some were sarcastic and nasty, others were being quite friendly and apparently sincere. Interesting to see the variety of responses, even if the situation is unfortunate.
If you record them long enough you're going to catch them out on something. They put on such a false veneer it can be hard to convince others of what they are really like.
He did appeal and recorded that too and cleverly hid a recording device in a silver sword so that when he left the room whilst they were supposedly making their decision it was still recording and that is going to be really interesting. It's possibly the first time that such a recording has been captured.
He doesn't have that recording up yet but he called one of the Elders after that appeal and asked him what was meant when one of the Elders said that they should do what the CO recommended and do a purge. The Elder denied that anyone said this and when Witness No More said again that it was said when he had left the room the Elder clicked onto the fact that he had recorded it and asked him if he had. When Witness No More said he had the Elder said he had nothing more to say and hung up.
I'm looking forward to the video of the appeal to hear this, it will prove a straight out lie.
If the CO has mentioned that a purge (of apostates I assume) is recommended then I would assume these are the instructions coming from HQ. These 'apostates' have nothing to offer the organization, they must be gotten rid of. Too bad that families are destroyed. Is it any wonder that there are a number of people who hide their distaste of the org. and go along, hiding this just to keep their family. -
I am certain that I was DFd on instructions from the CO
I've seen a few of the videos - knowing one of the elders concerned , it has been quite interesting.
I noticed in the "local needs talk" that a few times the elder said that if anyone had any concerns from talking to apostates or negative talk , then please speak to us. You got the impression that it was something of a fishing expedition looking for the required two or more witnesses,
Pinching the Watchtowers from the KH was quite funny , but things do develop rather negatively as time goes on , especially after he is DFd. For all of us leaving the JWs , it is a process and a journey and I think we can understand his frustration & desire to warn others , but he does perhaps go a bit over the top.
Just the slightest hint of "apostasy" and the elders dealing get on the blower to the branch or the CO.
Every. Single. Time.
And the branch has heard it all dozens of times before and knows that they've got no scriptural support for much of their half-assed doctrine.
At that point it is all about cutting out the cancer that is threatening the org. and its lackeys and making sure it doesn't spread. So they "go through the motions" pretending to be listening and helping and concerned but they are on rails and will not deviate from their end goal (often via an appeal hearing with even more hand holding from the CO and branch too) of DF'ing you.
LoisLane looking for Superman
@Freddo, I agree with everything you said. But... IS the cancer. Not us. We are the "life saving waters" and the "refreshment for the soul". X-JW's are the ones with "The Truth" NOT
"Publishers" go door to door looking to find new recruits. To do what with? Teach them the Bible? NO! It is to find people to teach them obedience! Obey without question whatever the GB have to say! wants guillible naive people to give money, to support THEM the GB. The GB are the queen bee's and everyone else... are the free labor DRONES! That's it! That is the real "Truth".
Now back to the topic at hand...
compound complex
An apostrophe is not this " which is a quotation mark or in some places known as speech marks. -- steve2
Aka "inverted commas," British.
Inverted commas can be single - 'x' - or double - "x". They are also known as quotation marks, speech marks, or quotes.