Fulfilling the Law of Christ When Unseen by Humans
INTERVIEW (3 min.) [Scripted interview with an elder. The script does not need to be presented word for word but should be followed as a guide]
Speaker: Please explain how some fall into the habit of viewing pornography.
Elder: They may start by viewing provocative images that are not pornographic, such as people in swimwear and models in advertisements. They rationalize that such images are not so bad. As they continue to feed wrong desires, they gradually escalate to viewing worse things.
Speaker: Can you elaborate?
Elder: With a relaxed sense of danger, they may begin to channel surf late-night television or stray to inappropriate Internet sites when no other person is around. There are also emotional triggers that cause some to let down their guard, such as feeling hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. A married person may even find fault with his or her mate in an attempt to justify viewing pornography.
Speaker: What can a person who is struggling with an attraction to pornography do?
Elder: It is imperative that the person make it his or her responsibility to know and be guided by Bible principles.
Speaker: Please share a few examples of Bible principles that have proved helpful.
Elder: I'll mention three:
Colossians 3:5 says: 'Deaden your body members as respects sexual immorality, uncleanness, uncontrolled sexual passion, hurtful desire, and greediness.' The word "deaden" vividly conveys the idea of striking improper sexual thoughts dead, not simply suppressing them. This means that the individual must be aware of how the things he views affect him and then immediately stop viewing anything that fuels improper desires.
James 5:16 says: "Openly confess your sins to one another and pray for one another... A righteous man's supplication has a powerful effect." This means seeking help from others. Confiding in others, such as one's mate, a trusted friend, or an elder, will take courage and determination. Yet, it is a vital step in counteracting the pull of pornography.
Philippians 2:13 says: "God . . . energizes you, giving you both the desire and the power to act." This shows that if a person prays to God and yields to His holy spirit, it will help him to conquer wrong desires and actions.
Speaker: Thank you for reminding us of these Bible principles and their application, which have been discussed in our publications.
READ MORE: http://avoidjw.org/en/publications/2018-circuit-assemblies/