Someone asked for a second source on this, so I'm putting this out there to those who may have visited the new WT HQ lately and know it to be true. I had read from others on the ex-JW subreddit that had taken a tour recently at WT HQ, that they had been shown photos of a mountain in China, and told that this is where all of the granite is being mined from and shipped over to New York to use at the site of the new WT HQ. Apparently, it was cheaper for them to do this and have the local brothers in China mine it, then having to by tons upon tons of granite here in the USA, even wholesale. I can tell you for a certainty, that TONS of high grade granite are being used on site, and not just for trim or decoration, but for actual retaining walls and even at the shipping docks! Apparently, no expense is being spared in the re-building of Solomon's Temple. I wouldn't be surprised if they had a full mock-up (in Gold, matching Bible's description) of the Ark of the Covenant.
So please, anyone reading this who may have toured the new WT HQ or who even may be volunteering or working on the new cult compound....errr......WT HQ, please confirm this. I know for fact there are at least SOME apostates high up on the construction crew, as I've seen actual photos from site on reddit and even CAD renderings.
Let everyone know how the ice cream money is being spent. Thanks!