@jookbeard what do mean by PM?
Judgement in Watch Tower Appeal in Otuo v Morley and Watch Tower by Sir David Eady
by akromo 12 Replies latest social current
defender of truth
defender of truth 8 hours ago
akromo, if I remember correctly, you said somewhere that the letter charging him with fraud was destroyed?
Akromo: "DoT see pars. 16 and 19 of Sir David Eady judgement. They were in court to produce it but they said it had been destroyed. The judge was not impressed."
Sorry about that, I knew I'd read it somewhere before.
How can they hope to win this case? (This is a serious question, not rhetorical.)
By claiming they can declare anyone to be sinful and to be avoided, regardless of the consequences, even without any evidence of the sin?! (fraud in this case).
akromo an hour ago
@jookbeard what do mean by PM?
It stands for Private Message.
akromo, you have another private message