Interesting booklet.
I think it's obvious that the answer to the question it poses is, "No."
The average JW is incapable of making an informed, autonomous decision.
by 30LPP 24 Replies latest watchtower bible
Interesting booklet.
I think it's obvious that the answer to the question it poses is, "No."
The average JW is incapable of making an informed, autonomous decision.
I'm with others on this; blood was to represent a life taken, be it animal or human.
Are Jehovah’s Witnesses competent to resolve the issue of blood transfusion? No!
There are so many things that don't make sense from a doctrinal point of view. Why are blood fractions allowed but not whole cells and platlets? Why can JWs receive blood fractions but not give blood for blood fractions? Why can a JW have blood salvaged during in an operation but not pre-store their own blood? Why if it is the case of a minor are they happy to delegate responsibility to courts?
As an elder I once asked these to our HLC members but didn't get much of a straight answer. They just stick to the party line; "whole blood bad, fractions fine".
If the doctrinal blood ban was created out of incompetence and people are subjectively enforced to obey and support that decision irregardless, one shouldn't expect people to make balanced decisions on their own.
When your indoctrinated psychologically to a religious cult your critical thinking is repressed and weakened.
That's why thousands of people decided to follow the WTS directions and have died
And to state the obvious ,the WTB&TS / Jehovah`s Witnesses religion have blood on their hands.
Shame on them .
A starving Israelite could eat roadkill, so you should be able to use the blood from someone who just happened to should be able to drink blood from a living creature and also get a transfusion from a live person..
So, yeah...there’s that...
DD 🤔