Nice quote

by Gorbatchov 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gorbatchov

    With Christmas Gorby had a good talk with his JW father about “time tends to fly” and how everything changes.

    He concluded: “If our grandparents would visit the kingdom hall now, they would headshaking left the building and never returned.”

    It says something, does it?


  • finallysomepride

    Funny, the other day I was thinking much the same, my father passed away in 2010 & if he returned now to see the difference, I think he would do pretty much the same thing.

  • stillin

    Sad. But true.

  • redpilltwice

    It says a lot Gorby, thx for sharing your experience.

    The question remains...WHAT to his opinion would have stumbled the grandparents the most? Something particular such as the overlapping generation, 1914 still being taught, JwBroadcast, the problems with pedophiles, merging of congs and selling so many KH's, the decline of literature, meetings, bethelites and so on, less d2d work and use of the bible in field service, the new emphasis on cart witnessing and not being allowed to start the debate and IF a question is asked, quickly referring to jw.borg for answers, or maybe even the new music including clapping/dancing?

    Or...(almost) all of this?

  • ttdtt

    What does the WT say about the DANGERS of Gradualism?


  • Gorbatchov

    It’s about all.

    And the more and more lose of christian love in the congregation.


  • stillin

    Well, Gorby, at least everybody has got their eyes locked onto their devices, like the rest of the world.

  • redpilltwice
    It’s about all.
    And the more and more lose of christian love in the congregation

    Didn't think of that one at that moment Gorby, but how sad and what a painfull addition to "about all". I hope you can have more good talks with your dad and that it can help to really let reality sink in regarding the WT's legacy of false hope and broken dreams.

  • scratchme1010

    Makes me feel sorry for my father, who is still alive and experiencing all that. Just sad.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Just talked to someone yesterday who got baptized in the '90s. She still 'believes' but she mentioned the end and then said, 'well, they've been saying that for 25 years'. Seriously? More like 140 years! Every witness must think they're the only one like a child, as if they just started talking about the end when SHE got baptized. 🙄

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