Yeah I've had one of those, they get mad when other elders go beyond the time assigned by a few minutes but then they do it and it's OK because his job is to really make sure the congregation understands the point of the information while at the same time embedding his own opinions to matters he only speculates about. Also thanks to him the congregation appreciates when he lectures the offending elder at the front of the hall as if to say "see, I take care of business within my unit also!" It's interesting the bickering that goes on in BOE's you have to remember to become an elder is easy to delete someone is really tough even if you need to step down so basically you are stuck working with unbearable personalities. I bet the biggest reason why some elders leave their posts are because secretly they can't put up with others. I remember some of the greatest satisfactions I got was when my arch-nemesis (every elder has one) did something wrong and he got called out for it, I would never say anything but secretly I was fist pumping with both arms, I can't imagine this wouldn't happen in other BOE's