I'll share mine first...
I had never missed a memorial for at least a quarter of a century of my life. I was kind of raised to believe that missing the memorial was a sin in itself.
By 2013 memorial season, I was missing most of my meetings (even though I was still technically part of my foreign language congregation), and I had just come off the pioneer list. I still made plans to attend the Memorial (God forbid if I missed that lol).
I knew that typically our memorials were around 9 pm, since we usually got last priority (being a foreign language hall and all). The problem was I hadn't been to a meeting in several weeks, so I couldn't confirm the time.
So I get to my kingdumb hall at 9, and to my horror, I see people from my congregation walking out the doors into the parking lot. It turns out, the memorial was actually at 7:30, despite 3 straight years of being later than that. I don't know how the heck I got out of that parking lot without anyone catching me.
I ended up driving all over Atlanta, where I lived at the time, praying to Jehovah all the way to help me find a Memorial to go to. The guilt I had for possibly missing the memorial was overwhelming (what a shame). I ended up driving to 3 different kingdumb halls across Atlanta before I found a memorial that was still in session (by now, it's almost 10 o'clock at night). I made it just in time to pass the emblems.
I remember actually making it to one of my meetings to field circus after that and my FS overseer giving me the side eye and cold shoulder, almost like "How DARE you miss the memorial!"
Anyway, I'd love to hear your stories...