Link to Dr. Zelenko's protocol
President Trump has tested positive for COVID-19
by Funky 85 Replies latest jw friends
Perhaps this event with Trump will heighten the awareness of just how easy it is to catch this virus, particularly among a denying segment of the population within the US.
When Boris Johnson the PM of England caught it, it certainly had an effect, as well here in Canada when the PM's wife caught it.
Wasanelder Once
He denied that Covid was a threat. Now he has it. Who knew?
It was just a matter of time. Not surprised at all...
Wasa, when it was first reported Dr. Fauchi also minimized it along with masks. Things began to change.
He denied that Covid was a threat. Now he has it. Who knew?
Fake news. He denied it justified shutting the economy down to the extent some states have, but wanted to shut down travel from infected areas.
He's walked the walk, he hasn't set rules of others and then done different himself (*cough* Nancy *cough*)
None of us can avoid the covid. It is just a matter of holding the line until a vaccine arrives
He's flying to Walter Reed. NBC is carrying it live to see if he walks to the chopper or is on a gurney. This actually may be quite serious. Trump has not Tweeted for 16 hours.
My pimi spouse is watching the news about Trump going to the hospital and saying this is the beginning of the long awaited GT.
And there it is, a completely fine looking Trump walks to Marine one while wearing a mask.
The story people will remember from this is that Trump did not hide in the basement from the virus like Biden, but stayed on his post and did his job, and when he got ill, he bravely fought the virus. It may seem sappy to put it like that, but part of the US presidency is about emotions.
People don't want a president who lived in his basement for 3 months because of fancy flu.