I think a follow up question that arises is : when do we hit the bottom of Witness stupidity? Does such a bottom even exist?
How much self-deceit is possible in a human being in a free, Western society?
Examples: the Witness wife, who sees her kids drifting away, the dead meetings, the imaginary 'ministry', the uncaring elders
the Witness brother, who preaches Armageddon soon, while funding his 401K/Keogh/IRA plan
the Witness kid, who plays the part until he can leave home
the Writing Staff brother who crafts deception, spews platitudes, and avoids a dozen doctrinal controversies,
How does this go on? When does someone jump up at a meeting , as in the movie "Network"
and yell "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!, this is stupid!"
Like watching a magician float a lady in mid air, you wonder what holds it all up..