The full Resolution and Press Release can be viewed and download via the following link:
August 18, 2018
On the weekend of the 11th and 12th of August over 100 people from 13 countries, including seven Australians, gathered on the grounds of ExCeL London and held a peaceful and colourful protest to coincide with the Jehovah’s Witnesses ‘Be Courageous’! convention. A second protest will be held over the weekend of the 18th and 19th at the same location.
The main purpose of the JW Protest is to highlight the serious and persistent global child sexual abuse problem within the Church of Jehovah’s Witnesses and the related practice of shunning.
As part of the 2018 JW Protest in London a Resolution has been put forward by the protest committee for adoption. Item 10 of the Resolution reads:
“We Invite the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses to ‘Be Courageous’! and ‘Say Sorry’! to all child abuse victims from within the Jehovah’s Witnesses, past and present, some of whom are here today adopting this resolution, so that they and us may heal as we still hurt.”
It is the 2018 JW Protest committee’s hope that our Resolution is read by as many current members of Jehovah’s Witnesses as possible, including those on the Governing Body.