Circuit ASSembly low-lites

by FedUpJW 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • carla

    I hope they do have a new 'no news' policy!!!! My jw loves to watch news and then make the usual jw comment, "things are getting so bad, blah, blah, blah....."

  • pale.emperor

    The C.O. made the statement, "We must listen to the GB and watch Jay Double You dot Org to get the word of Jehovah because that is how he speaks to us, and doing those two things will mean our life."

    Hmm... so Jehovah God - the all knowing, all wise - communicates to use via internet live stream? This wouldn't be the same invention that was slammed in the 1990's as being a haven for apostates and pornography would it?

    Yes, we must listen to the GB. I mean, it's not as if they have a reputation of consistently getting it wrong every time.


    Organ Transplants

    The Internet

    "This Generation"

    USSR being "King of the North"

    Please pass the kool-aid, i think im done.

  • JW_Rogue
    I hope they do have a new 'no news' policy!!!! My jw loves to watch news and then make the usual jw comment, "things are getting so bad, blah, blah, blah....."

    Such a weird statement considering they used to say that JWs need to keep themselves informed so that they can see bible prophecy coming true. If they aren't watching the nightly news, how will they know that "this system is getting worse everyday single day" and "it can't last much longer?"

  • redvip2000

    @WTWiztard: Please don't ever leave this site. Keep on posting.

  • redvip2000

    Hmm... so Jehovah God - the all knowing, all wise - communicates to use via internet live stream?

    Well that's an upgrade!! For many centuries God was a book author. The only way he could communicate with mankind was to roll up his sleeves and to scribble things on rock or papyrus, or later in paper. Doesn't matter which God you choose, they were all book authors.

    But just look at him now, he waited for humans to develop technology so he can use it too. Good job jeevoova.

  • wifibandit

    No. 8 Public Bible Discourse: True Faith—What Is It, and How Is It Shown? (Circuit overseer)


    I would love to have this "Public Talk" and the whole C.A. with the C.O. anylised by the writer of A Manual for Creating Atheists, Peter Boghossian.

  • WingCommander
    The GB doesn't want the rank-n-file JW's watching the news, because of all the pedo reports, lawsuits, and cases being reported on. There, cleared that right up for all of you, huh?
  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Wayward - Yes, the CO at the one I attended also mentioned how JWs can show faith by attending where they are told to go, even if that means their current KH is being sold and they have to drive a little further to meet. The plan to combine unprofitable congregations seems to be accelerating. I just heard about a congregation around here that had one of the most outdated KHs in the area and really needed to do something. They were given two options: 1) they could dissolve the congregation and have members absorbed into a few neighboring congregations or 2) they could meet at another KH 20 miles away that only had one congregation meeting and stay in tact. They chose #2 because likely the BOE just wanted to keep control. Probably the best thing for their members was to dissolve but then brother COBE would lose his position and you can't have that!!

    To be fair, the congregation only had about 60 publishers which seems on the small side.

  • ToesUp

    "meet at another KH 20 miles away"

    Just wait until they have to drive that 20 miles 2 or more times a week. The time and money it costs to get there may change their minds. It all sounds good on paper, until you have to do it. They will see their congregation shrink even more. More will request the dial up number. Once WT gets ones used to dialing in then they will spring the meetings being streamed via video. They are setting this whole thing up and the little ole gullible elderly ones will gobble it up.

    "You mean we can still be spiritual in our PJ's? Awesome! Just make sure you log on and hit the DONATE button. We want to make sure we praise Jah with our valuable things."

  • Wayward

    Doubting Bro, wasn't the supposed reason behind ending the Book Study so the dear brothers and sisters could save on gas money? I was gone by then so don't know firsthand but that's what my JWmom told me. Now here they are telling members "Gee, we sold your hall so now you have to drive 20 miles away." No concern about the high price of gas. No concern about the possible dangers of traveling in nasty winter weather. Just "Suck it up, Buttercups!"

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