Post modern egalitarian relativism is a direct result of Nietzsche's 1848 prediction that, as a result of man "killing" God (i.e. "God is dead and we killed him...) there would be one of two pathologies that most persons would follow -
1. Totalitarianism through an Authoritarian government or
2. Moral Nihilism
Nietzsche has proven to be a prophet. The "2+2=5" is making the claim that all things are subjective and without meaning or purpose. All that matters is all things and people are treated equal regardless of what they do (that would beg to ask the question "What is equal?").
I would invite such persons to participate in an exercise -
If I have 2 apples and I want 4 apples, go over to that giant pile of apples and bring me the necessary amount of apples I would require to have 4 apples. Do this for me and I will give you one-million U.S. Dollars.
Now imagine if the following happened -
Person 1 brings me 2 apples: "Sorry, but you have brought my total up to 5 apples. You receive nothing. Good day."
Person 2 brings me 2 apples: "Sorry, but these are oranges. You receive nothing. Good day."
Person 3 brings me 2 apples: "Well done! I now have 4 apples. Here is your payment." Then I proceed to give Person 3 one-million dollars in Monopoly game money.
I promise you that all 3 persons would have no problem suing me for one-million dollars for breach of contract.