Why dont the elders just hold the committee without the party being there and DF them if they want. This was pretty common practice when I was going. Sister has sex wit 5 guys or brother has sex with 5 girls... we request a meeting and he dodges after multiple attempts the meeting is held minus the person and they get df'ed.
Disfellowhipped for not wearing facemask?
by Anna Marina 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It looks like the elders are gearing up to do just that silentbuddha.
At first I thought this was a case of someone running around the community refusing to wear a mask, perhaps getting citations or arrested and the elders stepping WAY out of their jurisdiction (which let's face it, is all make believe anyhow) to try to legislate what is for now simply a "mandate" in some communities.
Turns out, there is more to the story.
Anna Marina
Yes silentbuddha they will df the person and they know he has done nothing wrong from a Christian point of view. But from a Watchtower view... well splutter, mutter, feather spit.
If two elders were listening on speakerphone, and the JW openly questioned WT, they had all they needed for a charge of apostasy. If JW didn't answer the loyalty questions correctly and refused to recant, they had all they needed to Disfellowship in 2020. It is a cult, nothing to do with Christianity.
Anna Marina
Yes this is way more than on speakerphone - the person is right out in the open with it. If they'd wanted to, I expect the whole body of elders could have listened in.
The elders were professing to offer 'help'. Not that anyone believed they were trying to help. But kindness was extended to them, to allow them to reason on the scriptures and consider the steps they were taking.
But their 'help' proved to be ensuring the loyalty questions had NOT been answered correctly. Once they had checked that (which they had know for ages) they decided to call a judicial at the KH wearing face masks.
Anna Marina,
Something in the story is not adding up.
So you said that this person has been questioning the WT doctrine for many years, doesn't want to listen to the elders, and doesn't want to come to a judicial committee. Then why is he still a JW? Why has he not disassociated himself yet?
If he's worried about people shunning him or losing his family, then why is he openly doing things that can risk his expulsion?
What does he actually want?
You can't be a JW and question their doctrine, and still expect to remain a JW, without any repercussions.
Also, he needs to remember that elders are not the ones who have framed the WT policies. They are simply security guards with handguns who are authorized to shoot you down if you are found suspicious.
The two witnesses could be for two or more instances of "apostasy" over time. That is why it is best to just leave once your eyes open.
I don't understand why the guy is afraid of getting DF'd. Screw them! And move on with your life. It worked for me. I just walked. When the elders ask questions, I answer them with question. Or I tell them to stop wasting my time, get out of here. No answers from me. Nothing.
Anna Marina
Drearyweather - something similar happened to me. When they really have nothing on you they actually leave you alone. If you are questioning their doctrine from a scriptural point of view they become toothless and seek to avoid you. They ignore you up to a point.
Yes there were personal reasons this why this one chose not to go until this point. And yes of course, in reality this one will leave them, not the other way around. FYI the person has influence locally, is much loved and deeply respected.
Because it is recognised that elders have not framed policies, kindness has been extended to them. We know they have their apostate rifles out. As usual they are aiming at their own heads. Kind encouragement has been given not to pull the trigger but, I bet you one red Smartie they pull it.
Balaammsass2 - yes locally using that logic someone has even come up with the 3 witness rule. Leave it long enough maybe they'll have a 144k witness rule.
Overrate - this person is not afraid of what these sad, misguided men are going to do. They are pitiable but they are behaving outrageously. This one tried to help them as a shepherd tries to help a lost sheep. Truely Christian and moved by profound concern for their well being. All to no avail at the moment.
Jehovahs Witnesses have rules. Dumb rules but they have rules none the less.
If the person doesn't want to follow them then they need to leave.
If they won't leave then they will be put out.