The only time I was ever stoped was once when I was wearing a bikini. (I didn't look then like I do now and actually did look pretty fine in it )
Lady Lee, I bet that you did look good in it! I used to look good, too.... oh well. What can we do? eh?
I don't say "aboot", or kilo-metre, or anything like that. At least I don't think I do! Weird!
American's can be very nice or very rude... depending. They are just like Canadians in a way, but tend to be on the patriotic side.... and brings out extreme arrogance in some of them. It's very aggravating.... ( I am being nice here!)
I once told an american to go back there, b/c he was bitching about the exchange rate! Geek!
Again, there are Canadians who are just as bad, so don't worry about it! THis is in no means an attack on America. I'll start another thread for that, LOL!
I haven't had any problems crossing into the u.s. ever. The border people are polite and ask the same old questions all the time... that's all. Yes, I smuggle in millions of dollars of crack in every year! (just kidding, ya know)