Some people I know have not gone out of their houses in weeks. Some will walk near their homes and run right back in. Meanwhile, I go food shopping and I see tons of people, many with masks and gloves on.
Have You Isolated Yourself Because of the Virus 🦠?
by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends
The Fall Guy
For those in the U.K. at least -
“...the law doesn't require walking to be local - nor does it ban you from driving to the countryside to go walking.”
A driver in England - charged for driving his car because he was bored sitting in the house.
I'll go for a drive to where I do my walking!
Some towns are quarantined while others are less restrictive.
Yeah, everyone wears gloves while shopping. And I have seen several behaviors that bother me:
- People reuse the gloves. What good does this do? Let’s say your gloves prevent something from getting on your hands. Great. But you take them off in the car and set them down... then pick them back up and fuss with them. I mean, if you’ve ever seen nurses in a hospital, they will get a new pair of gloves for every room. They leave the room, they discard the gloves. Enter a room, get another pair. I know why people reuse - lack of supply. But it isn’t helping much.
- People with gloves discard the gloves in the parking lot. Not sure if this has happened in your area. But here, there have been runs on the store, and the glove hoarders use the gloves in the store, and throw them away on the ground as they get in their car. Pure assholery.
- People use gloves... but still touch their face. *sigh*
Actually, I have modified my schedule. I get up really early. Work. And if I need to get to the store, I go when it opens. Some stores have an hour in the morning for older people only. I can’t go to the old-people’s hour, but right after - get there as early as possible. I’ve noticed that the store is relatively empty, and the shelves have been restocked. I’ve been able to get disinfecting wipes and TP this way.
People are still buying water bottles - that’s the unsolved mystery of the decade.
Reused gloves contribute to the problem
I can't believe that some states, especially like here in Florida, that there is not a shutdown. The idiot governor (who does speak well at times) let the spring break thing go on with 10's of thousands of college students on the beaches and crowed into hotel rooms. And then, when it is all over, they go back to their respective states and contaminate others.
It was the cities here that put an end to it initially, beginning with Miami, then Fort Lauderdale, etc. They closed the beaches and told them to go home.
Rub a Dub
Florida's actions are more than negligent, they are downright criminal! That Governor is a fuggin' MORON!
The price of his idiotic stupidity will be paid in death.
That 240,000 person mortality rate is gonna be on the LOW side. That's optimistic. People are dumb as hell, and don't want to believe how severe this virus is. They're going to learn the hard way. Buckle up!
We're going out as little as possible, usually just to grocery shop for fresh produce and top-up canned food and water.
I haven't wore a mask up till now, but I'm religiously not touching my face when out and we have sanitizer in vehicles and the house entrance plus disinfectant spray to wipe down shopping.
Once we're passed a certain number of cases in our area we'll try to go out less and will wear masks - I'm not sure gloves really make much difference as it's not spread by skin contract, it totally relies on you touching your face but maybe it puts you off doing that? It's more likely to scare people to be honest. I have some, but I'm not wearing them unless it get's really bad.
I did get a bag of surgical cots, which are like little rubber finger condoms. They are good to have when shopping to open plastic bags without being tempted to lick your finger, they just give you some extra rubber grip and can also be used with entering pin-codes at checkout and then discarded (in a waste bin, idiots littering should be prosecuted or named and shamed).
We still order take-out to support local restaurants and delivery drivers. Again, take precautions to prevent accidental spread - empty the food onto dishes, dispose of the packaging and then wash your hands before eating.
Just wash your hands regularly, every chance you get, take some vitamin C and limit how much you go out if you can. We're fortunate in that we can both work from home. I do what I can to not put people at risk who cannot, and to not put unnecessary burden on healthcare for those who can't.
Best we can. I live on one of the states where the Gov. is stupid and refused to issue a stay at home order. I am semi retired and can work from home, I bought a lot of extra food, TP, Bleach, PT and the rest as this started to unfold in China. I can stay in if I have to for several months. My wifes work is still going to work but they have issued a closing by the curb or in the car closings for homes and property. I bought several N95s before they were sold out and several hundred gloves. I also bought two P100 which are much better than N95s. They potentially block out 100% of the virus. N95 is N for not oil resistant and 95 for it flocks 95% of contaminates. I am hoping that the gov. will get a few brain cells and issue a SAHO, or Trump will do a nation wide one.