Sanderson's hate speech

by Listener 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    The GB are revelling in "poking the bees nest" with this whole issue and their reactions!

    Then , when they get stung, they will cry out in pain and complain about "the nasty bees"

    Seriously, it is perverted stuff!

  • jookbeard

    is it hate speech? the rantings of a mixed up deluded sociopath making irrelevant bible prophecy fit their insane agenda more like

  • zeb

    I dared to suggest to my wife (uber) that the wt should consider repatriating the Russian jw out to safety. This has obviously been considered by many as the official answer is "Oh they could not do that".. hmm so the gb want martyrs as in Malawi in the '70,s.

  • OrphanCrow
    Listener: Sanderson also quotes a news report (lol) where a spokesman for the Russian Orthodox church claims JWs cannot be called Christians because they do not believe Jesus is God and Savour or in the trinity doctrine and he welcomed the Supreme Court decision because the pernivious and harmful influence of the JWs would now start to decline. Happy Sandy said that the 'hatred of the Devil'' was in those comments.

    I think that the main thrust of the video was a response to the Russian Orthodox priest's comments.

    It was Sanderson's very first comments that made me raise my eyebrows. This part of the scripture that he read : "You will be hated by all people on account of my name..." is so out of place in the JW theology. The JWs have pounded it into everyone's head that they use the name of Jehovah...not Jesus. Ask any JW whose name they make known and they will say JEHOVAH's name. Not Jesus.

    And then he used Rev 12:17...again, a scripture that refers to the name of Jesus, not Jehovah.

    Jesus was mentioned far more in this talk than usual. Jehovah was playing second string. Barely mentioned.

    Sanderson had his panties in a knot over the Russian Orthodox assertion that JWs "don't believe in Jesus".

    He slowed down and did some "pausing for emphasis" when he talked about the early Christians being "accused of sacrificing children...and consuming their blood and flesh"...*pause*...I think this was meant to be a response to the accusation that JWs refuse life-saving blood transfusions for their children.

    There is something really bizarre about how Sandy labels the world as being under the control of Satan and yet, he lapped up the attention from anyone in the world who showed any kind of support for the JWs at all, especially if they were critics of JWs and if they were important politicians.

    But...what about all those important meetings with important ambassadors from important countries that Sanderson set up in Moscow when he attended the Supreme Court hearing there? How much does anyone want to bet that Sanderson et al met with the German ambassador? Especially since the German Branch of the WTS tried to get standing with the court (and failed) because they were the ones who do most of the printing of that "extremist" literature.

    Merkel was groomed. By the WTS. They have mega interests in Germany.

  • TheWonderofYou
    Merkel was groomed. By the WTS. They have mega interests in Germany.

    One point is certainly that JW have a well reputation in Germany because of the conscientious objectors in WW2. This plays a role like credit or premature prize in any law cases. The process of legal institutionalisation of JW is on a good way in many german provinces also.

    Germany Courts Recognize Conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses as Religious Holidays

    Since the 1990s, German courts have repeatedly denied the request of the Jehovah's Witnesses to become a corporate body under public law for various reasons, one of them being that JW would discourage their members from taking part in state elections, and would not respect the Grundgesetz. (basic law)

    In March 2005, Jehovah's Witnesses were granted the status of a body of public law for the state of Berlin, on the grounds that the alleged lack of fidelity towards the state had not been convincingly proven. The decision on the group's status in Berlin was upheld by the Federal Administrative Court in 2006. In subsequent years, corresponding decisions were made in 12 other states. In the states of Baden-Württemberg, and Bremen, the group was denied the status in 2011.

    Due to their status of corporate body under public law (in some states), Jehovah's Witnesses in 2010 filed a complaint for broadcasting time at Germany's international broadcaster, Deutsche Welle

    Concerning the issue of blood transfusions, the Federal Constitutional Court has held that transfusing blood to an unconscious JW violated the person's will, but did not constitute a "battery" ???? Source: wikipedia
    Decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court: [3] BVerfG, 1 BvR 618/93

    German decision
    in a case of a woman Jehovas witness who got transfusion while her husband had custody for her.
    The freedom to exercise religious freedom is not subject to the limitations of Art. 2 (1) and (2) Basic Law. However, it is not granted without restriction. It proceeds from man as a self-responsible personality, which unfolds freely within the social community. This connection also makes the basic right of Article 4 (2) GG accessible to certain extreme limits, which, however, can only be determined by the Constitution itself (see BVerfGE 32, 98 <107 f.)
  • TheWonderofYou
    Happy Sandy said that the 'hatred of the Devil'' was in those comments.

    Here Sandy is accusing the church for the persecution. The church or the news article as seat or manifestation of the evil. It is important to note that Sandy is not accusing the judges nor the ambassadors which he met in Russia and who pitied the JW, he doesn accuse the poliical world leaders but the false religion. So it is for Sandy a battle that is fought between true and false religions. To fight against these false acussations it will be necessary to cooperate with US and German ambassadors, US and German state consuls as well as representatives of the European Council of which Russia is member and the United Nations or the OSCE. Contact threads that are certainly now used.
    As JW have good contacts to all those important worldly organistations over the Legal Departments and private contacts of the GB they are not fighting against the worldy political, and human right jugdges and legal organisations but against the most evil part of this world- the church, who seduced the judges to persecute JW.

    So Sandy is not biting his friends in the international organsiations who pity JW and help them.

  • flipper

    This whole thing about " persecution" in the WT Society variation of the term - is about maintaining control of even inactive JW's. As was mentioned by Sanderson even the inactive JW's are coming back saying " the end is near " . And as we notice even inactive JW's who don't attend meetings for 5 or 10, or even 20 years can STILL be under the influence of WT Society mind control where the slightest change in the world scene ( Trump getting elected, Russians persecuting JW's ) can cause JW cult mind control to flare up in their brains.

    I was a perfect example of that. Born and raised in the JW cult - I initially stopped attending in 1998 after getting DFed - remaining so for 4 years. But when the 9/11 attacks happened due to not losing the WT mind control - I freaked out thinking " Armageddon " was happening and wanted to get reinstated which I did for my then teenage daughters in 2002. But before long I saw the hypocrisy of the organization and the elders and I left for good as an inactive Ex-JW in 2003. Since then I educated myself about mind control and never looked back . Still have freedom of mind in 2017. Now I'd never go back.

    But this whole " we are being persecuted by the Russians ! " and blaming it on " Satan " allegedly " proving the end is near " - is all WT Society dogma and mind control indoctrination tactics used to whip JW's into a frenzy into staying in the JW organization for supposed " protection " . In reality staying in the JW organization sets these people up as targets with marks on their backs as an extreme mind control cult. That's all Sanderson is doing is the gross manipulation and fear mongering among rank & file JW's so they'll stay controlled by WT leaders in the cult. Pretty twisted. Just like Malawi. It's like being " martyrs " for no purpose whatsoever because " paradise " and " eternal life " is an unreality- so Russian JW's are standing up for something that's not real - there will be no reward or light at the end of the tunnel- very sad and very criminal of Sanderson and all the GB members to make JW's think they'll be rewarded for " dying for their beliefs "

  • BluesBrother

    I heard no ""hate speech" in here.....just spin and turning a bad situation to their advantage..

    His claims are pretty far fetched, but the faithful lap it is interesting that Merkel spoke up for them.........

  • OrphanCrow

    I think that the "spokesman for the Russian Orthodox church", that Sandy mentions, is Alexander Dvorkin. Dvorkin is the GB's nemesis.

    Not only did Dvorkin accuse the JWs of "not being Christian" because of their lack of belief in the divinity of Christ, but he also said this about the JWs:

    Orthodox activist criticizes Jehovah's Witnesses in Russian parliament
    Interfax-Religiia, 17 May 2017

    By its prohibition of participation in elections, the Jehovah's Witnesses sect denies the constitutional structure of the state and human rights, and therefore it does not have the right to legitimate existence, declared the famous sect scholar Alexander Dvorkin during the first expanded session of the inter-fractional deputies' group for defense of Christian values.

    "Jehovah's Witnesses forbid their devotees to choose even to go to elections. This means that the organization does not recognize, in principle, the constitutional structure of the country. Thus why should they occupy a legal position?" A. Dvorkin said at a session in the State Duma on Wednesday.

    At the same time, he emphasized that the Jehovah's Witnesses violate human rights also.

    "In the first place, they attract people through deceit, which is a violation of their rights. Second, when a person enters into the organization, a most strict control over their activity begins. What kind of family can there be if even spouses are constantly spying on one another! Jehovah's Witnesses have a dossier on each of their members and all these files are continually sent to the headquarters in the U.S.A. This is a gross violation of rights. When the life and health of people are placed under threat because of the absurd prohibition on blood transfusion, this is not a personal choice but pressure of the organization," he said.

    The sect scholar said that the struggle with the Jehovah's Witnesses is only the beginning of the struggle with sectarianism, since there also exist Scientology and other similar organizations.

    BluesBrother: I heard no ""hate speech" in here.....just spin and turning a bad situation to their advantage..

    Sandy put on a bit of a rant. Not sure if it falls into that place that can be legally defined as "hate speech" but Sanderson's speech is definitely meant to provoke. And he reveals what it is meant to provoke at the end of his rant - he wants to provoke hatred. That is what, according to him, defines the "true" religion - whether others will hate them or not. Hatred directed towards the JWs is good.

    Sanderson wants to whip up persecution. That is his purpose and he stated it quite plainly. His speech is meant to provoke hatred and he even had a scripture to back it up.

  • sparky1

    "That's all folks," exclaimed Brother Sanderson as he boarded an airplane back to the comfort and safety of the United States of America. "It's really been great to be with you Russian brothers and appear before the Russian Judicial system. I wish that I could have done more, but I am under time constraint, being a member of the Governing Body (tm) and all. Keep warm and well fed. Look for my next encouraging diatribe on as I attack Satan's system from the comfort and security of the Warwick Compound. What a wonderful shout of praise this has been to Jehovah's name!"

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